Internets, We Need To Talk About Dave Barnes. Again.

Now I know – I KNOW – that when music resonates with me, I tend to go a little overboard.

Remember this past summer’s obsession with the Monk & Neagle CD, anyone?

Or my recent enthusiasm for Ronnie Freeman’s new duet with Christy Nockels?


I know I’ve mentioned Dave Barnes on the blog a couple of times. Because I think his Chasing Mississippi CD is pretty much flat-out brilliant.

Not to mention that he is very funny.

And I am a fan of the funny.

Just for the record.


So tonight my friend Leigh and I went to see Dave Barnes in concert, and OH MY LANDS he and his band are so incredibly talented and entertaining and engaging and WHY ARE YOU EVEN READING THIS, YOU SHOULD TOTALLY BE ON DAVE BARNES’ WEBSITE SO YOU CAN BUY TICKETS TO A CONCERT OR SOMETHING.

Because if you can’t tell, I enjoyed his live performance a whole bunch.

Dave Barnes (it’s important to me that I use both of his names at all times, though I could not tell you why. Other than the fact that I enjoy saying “Dave Barnes” all together. It is also important to remember that I have never claimed to be normal.) has a new CD coming out in April, and while I haven’t heard it yet, I have listened to the songs on his website about 1,000 times and as a result of my obsessive listening expect to be receiving a large bill for bandwidth usage from his website host any day now.

Anyway, you can find all sorts of details about that new CD right here, and sidenote: two CD’s and a DVD for only $15?!?! What is this? 1987?

Also: there is a song called “10,000 Children” on his new CD that Dave Barnes wrote after being completely overwhelmed by a trip to Uganda, and after he sang it tonight I wanted to run to the stage and hug his neck and say “ME, TOO! ME, TOO!”

But alas, I did not do that, because, well, I did not want to be arrested.

In conclusion comma I would just like to say that I enjoy Dave Barnes’ music. I enjoy Dave Barnes’ band. And I especially enjoy being able to tell the internets about Dave Barnes because his music is stuff you can totally listen to with your kids without being afraid that they’ll pick up colorful new adjectives to add to their vocabulary.

As an added bonus, his music contains no high-pitched squealing by cartoon characters.

I for one think that is quite special.

And I hope you have a wonderful Sunday.

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  1. Wow…he’s got a great voice! Think I’m gonna have to buy some DaveBarnes today.

  2. A new name for me – off to check it out.

  3. Thank you so for a new name to check into – sounds like it was a pleasant enough evening for you (truly praying for you girl – that someday you’ll have enthusiasm for a singer! you tickle us so). While I’m one of the 5 people in the United States of America who has NO iPod and won’t be buying one – I do listen to music online. Bless you and bless DaveBarnes.

  4. Mary Kat's Mom says:

    I totally agree Boomama! I was blessed to get to go and he was GREAT! ! ! We are now Dave Barnes fans in our house! My daughter LOVED his humor! What an entertainer! I cannot wait for the new CD.

  5. I knew you would love him! I’m SO SAD I didn’t get to come. I hoped you laughed heartily at least once on my behalf.

  6. Dave Barnes. I have his poster hanging in my laundry room. I’m not kidding.

  7. Denise J says:

    Hey Miss Boo!

    I had never heard of him before, but I listened and I LOVED it. You can’t go wrong with someone supported by Vince Gill, Amy Grant or John Mayer! (And I LUV me some John Mayer!) I bought two of his older cd’s and pre-ordered the new one. And yes, girl! I WILL be giving it to the world!!

    And while I have you, I love your blog. You have one of those sweet souls that draws people in and makes them feel right at home. Thank you for everything that you’ve been writing about your trip and your life. You are a bigger blessing than you realize!

    Love, Denise
    Huntsville, AL

  8. My hubbie and I followed your link to see Dave on YouTube and have been CRACKING up! His videos are hilarious! I’m definitely going to buy his CD.

  9. I LOVE Dave Barnes! His music is wonderful, but is You Tube videos are hilarious! This gem in particular is a favorite of mine!! and this follow up was equally wonderful ! Thanks so much for sharing the love for Dave!!


  10. Just so you know,
    I myself am quite a big fan of Dave Barnes.

    And do you know where I first heard about him? Right here on your blog. Thank you so much.

    From here on out, I trust your taste in music.


  11. You make a good sales pitch, Boo Mama. I’ve checked him out & I’m lovin him! Looking through his tour schedule to see when I can go see him live! Thanks for changing out the “Music Class” Cd in my car for me :).

  12. You are so cutting edge you don’t even know it! Would you believe that just in the past month my Christian radio station here in Michigan started playing Monk & Neagles 21st time on regular rotation? Seriously.
    I will be doing some further investigation into this Dave Barnes fellow :) Totally trust you!
    BTW I am going to sound clueless but what group is Christy Nockles from? You talk about her all the time and I draw a blank. (Okay you can laugh now)

  13. Seaside says:

    I know this is a little random – but Christy Nockel’s daddy was my pastor in highschool – Lynn Hill aka Christy Hill. She is so sweet. and her mama is sweet and her 2 big brothers wellll – they are probably sweet now. :)

  14. Oh. . .you are so totally cracking me up. .”in conclusion comma. . .” And I will DEFINITELY check him out. Run by my site if you get a chance and take a look at my photo montage of Daddy. :)

  15. I am so glad you like to listen to my boyfriend Dave Barnes.

    Well ok, he’s not really my bf since he’s married and all, but Funny and Singer ARE at the top of my list of preferred characteristics for a future mate. so technically he qualifies. :)

  16. What was his name again?

    Howard, was it? xxxxooogretchen

  17. Dave Barnes RAWKS.
    I double dawg heart his music over and over again.

  18. Happy Sunday to you too :) Thanks for the tip on Dave Barnes. Cool music and cool name.

  19. You are a little obsessive about your music, but I find it very fun. I never heard of Dave Barnes before. Great music.

  20. I’m stuck on Brad Paisley’s album, 5th Gear.

    Speaking of getting in gear…maybe I should move out of neutral and pick a new obsession…

  21. Hi Boomama. I’ve been lurking for a while now…but now that I know you too love Dave Barnes, I just HAD to comment. I love, love, love him. My husband is so sick of me listening to him constantly, but I just can’t stop. I would love to see him in concert if he ever came to the Seattle area. I will have to check out his website and tour dates.

    I’m Kathy, by the way….nice to meet ya.

  22. No, it can’t possibly 1987. That would be 2 cassette tapes and a VHS tape. Silly Girl!

  23. So Dave was just a picture and not a video…was he suppose to sing for me cause he was silent, like a silent movie. But you wouldn’t remember those. And I don’t have a clue who this guy is or Mississippi mud pies either. I must be really old…I didn’t know one name you said. But I know who Switchfoot is…I like something they do but don’t know the name. I like them playing under water. Oh well…

  24. *smile*
    He’s sooooo gonna be forced to but you on his payroll before long.

    I don’t know who his pr/publicist peepes are but I’m SURE they pale in comparison to YOU, Boomama! ;-]

  25. I love Dave Barnes! I worked in Public Relations before I took a job with Compassion, and I was able to interview Dave for an article I wrote for our local newspaper. He was hilarious, and his show was incredible! Yay for another Dave Barnes fan!

  26. I don’t know. I’m totally digging the new Backyardigans’ songs. Also,. have you noticed Tasha’s voice is slightly different? I’m thinking new person.

    Oh, and I’ll be checking this Dave Barnes person you briefly and less than enthusiastically mention. =)

  27. Sounds great! Love your blog, I am a Texas girl living in H town and I am starting this bloggin’ thing myself…except I’m not as witty as you are, and am definitely not as good as a writer as your are….ok now I’m depressed….:)

  28. See, I can’t leave a comment the right way either! :)

  29. Ahhh, you never fail to pick me up (not literally) and just laugh! :)

  30. :)
    you’re like a human billboard… only i don’t think they’re paying you! that’s half the charm!!!

  31. Your postings always keep me in stitches. because, well, I didn’t want to get arrested.


  32. I’m gonna have to get me some of this music (said in my bestest grammar) ’cause it obviously rocks!

    Hey have you checked out Episode 2 of Throwing Rocks at my Boodaddy?

  33. wow…the power of influence and a great review! i just went and bought the cd package…great deal! (i’m not usually that spontaneous, but I LOVE great music)
    DB is heeeelarious! i’ve only seen his videos on youtube.
    Love your writing Boomama…you have a gift.
    I wish I could sit down and have a glass of sweet tea with you…or a diet coke.
    I’ve been reading for a while (with the rest of the world).
    I am Brian’s sister-in-law, btw.
    (i only claim to be related to him sometimes)
    thanks for sharing your heart throughout the Uganda trip.
    and for making me laugh.
    i read your “What is a Boomama” outloud to our family at Christmas.
    I was snort-laughing all the way through it. (i love the South)

  34. Boo,

    My husband and I are sitting here with grins on our faces that you are talking Ronnie Freeman up! Thanks! My husband is Ronnie’s manager. We live in Nashville and Ronnie and David have been working together for years now. I like to think the Christy Nockels duet is all due to my love’s hard work. For more love on Ronnie you can check out my blog at

  35. I’ve never heard of DB, but I’ve probably heard his music. I have this knack of forgetting who sings what, which is no end of annoying for my own fans who assume that because I sing and play bass that I actually can remember the name or genre of every other Christian musician on the planet.

    Which I can’t.

    OK. I’m off to his website.