In Which I Go Back To The Search Engine Well

A few more search engine terms that have brought people to the blawg:

cb handle names – Now I’m no CB expert, but here are a few right off the top of my head.

Completely impromptu, mind you.

Foxy Lady.
Road Warrior.
Hot Mama.
Big Daddy.

Really, I think just about any adjective coupled with the words “Mama” or “Daddy” would work beautifully.

Although “crusty” or “scaly” might be the exceptions to that adjective rule.

bacon fat butter compare – Well, I mean, how could you possibly compare?

I find that they are equally delicious.

Though I am slightly partial to bacon fat because if I want to have bacon fat on hand, then I have to fry some bacon.

And that is never, ever a bad thing.

jody calls – Well, you are very fortunate.

Because Jody never calls me.

Needless to say, I have missed her terribly.

And the fact that I have no idea who Jody is?

Totally inconsequential.

how to get on boomama’s blog – YOU JUST DID!

I can’t even imagine the complete absence of thrill you must feel.

It has to be the most underwhelming moment of your entire life. Such a non-event!

I’m beyond teary-eyed.

i admit i need god’s power – You and me both, sister.

You and me both.

youtube dave barnes – Now you may not know this, but I sort of enjoy Dave Barnes.

And his YouTube stuff?


For whatever reason, this one is my favorite. Because I’ve always been a fan of a mock dance-off.

And then this one? And this one?

Interweb delights, my friends.

mama jig’s +fried chicken – I am unfamiliar with Mama Jig’s fried chicken, but I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that anyone who goes by the name “Mama Jig” CAN FLAT FRY UP SOME CHICKEN.

And I now feel that my life will not be complete until I try Mama Jig’s fried chicken.

Because I believe in goals.

layer cake props – Really?


Okay. I guess I can handle that.




Don’t you ever change, layer cake.

Don’t you ever, ever change.

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  1. It’s amazing how you make something as small as search engine results so funny!

    For those want to attend BLAWGher, see my blog to vote on the date!!!

  2. I need you to stop blogging for the night. I need to go to bed now.

  3. Sarah Kate in WA state says:

    Thanks for the laughs….I think this should be a regular fixture on the blawg! :)

  4. If someone types “got biscuits” in a search engine it brings them directly to my blog. “Got Biscuits” is a slogan they use at the Loveless Cafe (Nashville restaurant.) I wrote a restaurant review the day I went there with the title got biscuits. I’m sure the people desperately on the internet hunting for biscuits are disappointed when they arrive. When you come to Nashville you need to go eat there because they can flat fry up some chicken.

  5. Oh my, thanks for the laughs.

  6. You gotta love search engine results! They’re a hoot sometimes!

    I found one today, “…y=my house is really cluttered” that made me laugh.

    Yes, my house is really cluttered too! I guess misery loves company!

  7. You just used “woot” and “holla” in the same post. Almost in the same sentence!

    I’m so proud. I think that’s a personal best, Sophie.

  8. Well, now…your post just compelled me to go look at the searches that land people at my blog. Kinda boring this morning, but I can’t help but wonder why anyone would would get me when they’re looking for “Pam Dwaber panties” (yes, misspelled) or “poison ivy on soccer ball” or good gracious “embarrassed snot”. You mean it has FEELINGS???

    And I WROTE ABOUT IT????

    Say it isn’t so…!


  9. You make me laugh…layer cake props – too funy!

  10. Um, funny. That’s what happens when I get up too early.

  11. Recently someone was led to my blog with “Elvis impersonators in Georgia.”

    Thank you, thank you very much.

  12. Good Gracious…that is hilarious!!! I have NO clue how to even find out those searches. :D

  13. I’m quite sure I’ve said this before but YOU CRACK ME UP.

    Good times :)

  14. Oh, I do love these posts and I do love you.

    BooMama Props!

  15. I don’t know, Crusty Mama sounds pretty rockin’ awesome if you ask me.

  16. Thanks for a laugh to start my day. This is hilarious!

  17. We have so worn out the Dave Barnes You Tube wonderfulness that my kids think “Police Never Die” is an actual song.

    Close enough.

    And the dance off? Coffee snortin’ good.

  18. Elizabeth says:

    Your posts about the search engine may very well be my favorites.

    By the way, I dated a guy named Jody in high school. Nice guy. He hasn’t called since my freshman year of college, though.

  19. I love me some Dave Barnes. You know he is from Kosciusko, MS.

  20. You just make Layer Cake’s day.

  21. I snorted at my desk when I read the Mama Jigs one. The paralegal next to me asked if I had allergies, I cracked up at that question so I turned her onto your blog.

    P.S. She has not gotten any work done since.

  22. Thank you for your ministry of merriment.

  23. You crack me up!

  24. “CAN FLAT FRY UP SOME CHICKEN” – made me laugh out loud! If you had added “like all get out” I would suspect you were really my husband posing and posting as a Boo Mama.

  25. I’ve got to start writing better stuff with fun wording. I don’t get anything cool like that, well except for the Irish for idiot one. I don’t think anyone can top that…

  26. Erica (A Yankee In Jawja) says:


    Too funny, BooMama, just too funny.

  27. LOL!!

  28. twinsmom says:

    Oh! These crack me up everytime! I love me some search engine results! You are so funny!

  29. totally gonna get me in trouble here at work. snorting, crying, phlegming!

  30. LOL :)

    Layer cake props!

  31. Leslie George says:

    Hee hee

  32. Alicia says:

    Balumtine’th Day!! I think Dave should devote more time making videos for youtube. Makes my day.

  33. YOu got me with the layer cake props. . .oh, holla.

  34. I love it when you do this. Love. It.

  35. Layer cake props. Fell out of my chair. And yeah, Amen to the Mama Jig’s fried chicken. I bet she soaks it overnight buttermilk, for sure. Drool.

  36. You just totally crack me up!! Thanks for the smiles this morning!

  37. Hilarious! Now I just need to practice with my google skills to find some other fun ones for your search engine…the cake props was my favorite!!

    PS I agree with you about Bacon fat…just posted some crusty pork chops last week with bacon fat in it. They were totally yummy–better than fried chicken! Did I really just say that??

  38. oh mercy that made me laugh

  39. Stinkin’ hilarious as usual!

  40. Now that I think about it… Mama Jig would be a great CB handle.


  42. Boomama… I’m with you about loving some Dave Barnes. I got hooked with “Close your eyes”.

    He is a beautiful man. :)

  43. I fixed the link and sent you an e-mail. It’s all 3 for $20 (shipping included).


  44. Your barrel of whit is bottomless!

    I had an odd one on mine recently, “bill murray and butter”. I don’t EVEN want to know! ;-)

  45. um, yeah. I don’t always get your humor, but I still like ya!

  46. Oh, BooMama,
    you totally crack me up!

  47. Having a bad day; this brought tears of laughter to my day – THANK YOU!!

    Props to YOU!

  48. That’s great. Only you could make a list of search engine results so entertaining! :-)

  49. I heart you muchly :)

  50. Oh you silly nut!!! This is why we love you!!

  51. I love these posts! Keep ’em up!

  52. First, Love your Africa story picture link button thinger. Such a sweet picture.

    Second, Oh my holy goodness. You’re hilarious! Love the layer cake props. I’m sure layer cakes everywhere are blushing with joy at the props.

  53. Oh…my…word! This is really one of my favorite things that you do!

    “Because I believe in goals.” …I’m laughting out loud.

    I must always remember to never read your blog while ingesting anything that can be snorted!

  54. Okay, I don’t know where I’ve been but I hadn’t seen those Dave Barnes YouTube gems. Oh. My. Goodness! He’s stinkin hilarious. Now I’m going to have to watch ALL of them. There goes my Friday. =0)

  55. Beth B. says:

    you are so funny – i agree, this should be like a regular feature on your blog. the last one was the funniest! :-) thanks for the laughs on this friday morn!! bless you!

    Beth (mommy to a busy 4.5 yr old)

  56. These always make me laugh.

    Incidentally, I have MULTIPLE people finding my blog by searching for the phrase mama se mama sa mama coosa.

  57. Hey There!

    I just saw that you are one of the blog contributors over at the Lifeway Women’s Blog… How fun is that? Wonderful news and I’m looking for it. I saw Melanie over there as well. I’ll be checking it out more as I have time. God bless this new arena for you to bless and bring women seeking God some down-to-earth, southern woman style! Love ya’

  58. I love the CB handle names! When I was little, I found out that my parents used to belong to a CB club. I am the daughter of “Maniac” and “SugarBaby.” They had T-shirts and everything.