Oreck Giveaway Winner

All righty – Ye Olde Random.org determined that the winner of the Oreck vacuum is commenter number 348.


And who is commenter number 348, you might wonder?

The Gang’s All Here

Hail, hail, The Gang’s All Here!

(Sorry. Couldn’t resist. This is why some people think I’m slightly annoying.)

Congratulations to our winner – you’ll have an email from me tonight, and you’ll have twenty four hours to reply and claim your prize.

Thanks, everybody, for your great response – and thanks, Oreck, for doing this giveaway!

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  1. I’ll bet she’s going to be over the moon when she gets your email. My word, what a fantastic giveaway!

  2. Well it’s fine that I didn’t win. If I had then at some point, people around here would start expecting me to vacuum. Which would mean I’d have to tidy up. Which would mean having to put down this precious little piece of Jesus and, like, work. Which just wouldn’t do. No sir, it wouldn’t do at all.

  3. okay I am now a bit bummed out. I have been actually looking forward to vacuuming, but now I will go back to hating it.

  4. thank you thank you thank you thank you. i AM over the moon. i may even try it out and give Shaggy and Dr. D a break for a while from their weekly chores to play with it :) :) :)

  5. Test.

  6. Congrats to your winners!

  7. Yipee! Lucky!


  8. Aw dang.

  9. Can you give away a Roomba?? What about a scooba? Maid for a month?? I know, lofty dreams………….

  10. i was really gunning for this one – better luck next time :) congrats to the winner!

  11. I totally missed this, and good grief I need a new vacuum cleaner!