All My Ambitiousy Ambitiousness

I’m not much of a resolution fan, mainly because resolutions just remind me how bad I am at finishing the stuff that I start. I mean, I can sit around and dream big dreams and share big ideas all the livelong day, but when it comes to, you know, actually doing those things consistently, it’s a crapshoot. I might or I might not. Depends on my mood. And whether or not there’s a marathon of “Flipping Out” on Bravo.

The bottom line is that I’m just not very good at setting what I like to call FAYNCEE GOALS because FAYNCEE GOALS overwhelm me. FAYNCEE GOALS pretty much ensure that I’m going to give up within a short amount of time. FAYNCEE GOALS make me want to run in my house and lock the door and eat fried chicken and watch DVDs of “The Office” until ALL THE GOALS GO AWAY.

I know. It’s an inspiring approach to life, isn’t it?

So when 2009 rolled around, I didn’t make resolutions for the reasons I just mentioned. I love fresh beginnings, but I hate – HATE – feeling overwhelmed. I thought about a couple of things I’d like to try to do differently, but there were no 180s, no radical changes. Just some general thoughts about possibilities that might be worth considering.

Because I’m very structured.

Over the last week, though, I’ve been pretty convicted in two particular areas: 1) breakfast and 2) faithfulness in the small things. I’m not saying by ANY stretch of the imagination that these are the only two things in my life that I need to work on, OH MY WORD NO, because truth be told if I made a list of every single area of my life that needs improvement I WOULD NEVER GET OUT OF THE BED AGAIN, but these two areas keep coming to mind as places where I can make some good changes without sliding into the dreaded state of being overwhelmed.

Which brings us to breakfast.

For the last couple of years I have been Queen of the PopTarts. At times I’ve felt like that grandmother in “Sixteen Candles” who opens up a box of Hostess donuts with a spatula and then says, “VOILA. BREAKFAST IS SERVED.” Because that’s about how much effort I’ve put into what our little guy eats in the mornings (me? I eat a scoop of peanut butter, so obviously there is room for improvement in this area). I know that he loves grits and bananas and bacon and biscuits and pancakes and lots of other breakfast options, but between getting the two of us ready to head out the door, I’ve slacked on the cooking. So I’m trying to do better about that. We’ve had a hot breakfast every day in 2009 (our friends got us off to a great start on New Year’s, and David cooked this past weekend), and so far I’m enjoying it just as much as Alex is.

Neveryoumind that my hair smells like bacon by 7:00 every morning. THAT IS A SMALL PRICE TO PAY FOR HOT BACON.

As for being faithful in the small things, that mainly means that I want to try to help my husband by doing the little things that speak volumes to him: sticking to the grocery budget, getting my oil changed when he asks, throwing out stuff in the refrigerator before it grows legs and tries to make a break for it, taking time to think about wants vs. needs when I’m in a store, etc. I’m not an extravagant person by any stretch of the imagination, but I have a bad habit of justifying minor purchases because they’re minor purchases. $10 here. $15 there. $25 at the other place. And before I know it, I’ve spent $100 on, I don’t know, pens and shampoo and chicken breasts and a couple of shirts from Target.

So I’m hoping that developing better habits with the little stuff will communicate to my husband that what matters to him matters to me, too. I know in my head that the little stuff adds up and makes a big difference, but the problem is that sometimes the selfish part of my heart cries out for a cute pair of wedge sandals. Or a funky pair of pants for the low low price of $19.99. Or countertop spray that makes my kitchen smell like a forest of evergreens.

But 409 will be fine in 2009, oh yes ma’am it will.

So what about y’all? What are you working on in 2009?

Holla back in the comments. I’ll just be sitting here eating leftover bacon.

See? Breakfast is a MIGHTY GOOD THING indeed.

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  1. I want to work on:
    1. More patience with my girls
    2. Being frugal at the grocery store (we do NOT need the Edy’s Cookies & Cream!)
    3. Planning a flexible weekly menu
    4. There should be way more listed here, but I will get overwhelmed if I think of any more

    Good luck with your goals!

  2. Losing that next 40 pounds so I can come off my diabetes medication, finishing up 2 more computer college courses toward getting accepted into a nursing program, being more dedicated in my prayer life, and praying not just when I’m desperate for help. Appreciating my 26 and 21 year old more for being level-headed, christian kids who don’t have any body art or tongue rings and basically support themsevles. I’m afraid I could get a really long list going here!

  3. I hope that bacon is crispy. For me, it is all about trying to be focussed. Too often I start something good and my mind flies all over the place and I don’t do things as thoroughly as I would like to. Trimming the already lean budget a little more is also up there. Cooking from scratch more, which is part of the trimming whatsit. I can smell the bacon. It is distracting me. See???

  4. Once again this is too funny that I picked today to catch up on your blog. I’m the anti-resolutionist for many of the same reasons you cited, however there is one area in particular that’s been crying out for attention for the past few months… never so loudly as today however. I’m sitting here typing this while the circulation in my arms is slowly being cut off because of the “too tight” jacket of the oh so cute Jones of New York suit I bought this summer that was too big then. I kept it in the closet to save for something important. I had a big meeting with the new head honcho today so I pulled out my suit… not such a good idea! As if that isn’t bad enough, I had to undo the buttons, untuck my shirt (to cover the undone buttons of course!), and lower the zipper on the pants just to be able to breathe… Yeah, it’s time. I still won’t call it a resolution, but I did call the community pool and I am attending my first water aerobics class tonight. Enough said!

  5. In 2009, I’m working on not working….so much. Like spending more time really engaged with my kids, less time zoned on the computer. Spending less time stressing about crossing things off my list, and more time building forts, pretending to eat the wooden burger served up my 2 yr old chef, and getting my hiney kicked when playing Memory with my 4 yr old.
    To be more Mary, and less Martha….to daily choose the good part.

  6. I, too, get overwhelmed by too many goals at one time. So, I’ve decided to take this year by the month.

    The very first and most important thing that I must get back under control is my health. I’ve had three pregnancies in the past two years, and my body shows it. I’ve started a group of people who want to be healthier in 2009 to help keep me accountable. We’re just a big bunch of losers, and we all meet over at

    So that’s my goal for January 2009: Get back to being committed to a healthy lifestyle for me and providing a healthy lifestyle for my family, which includes planning (and executing) healthy meals.

    In general, I want to improve the following things (just trying to pace myself, though):
    1. Health
    2. Consistent Communication with the people I love and care about
    3. More careful spending in the grocery arena. (I’m incredibly frugal in every other area…what is up with the food???)
    4. Providing and active and entertaining schedule during the days for my children and sticking to it.

    Here’s to 2009!

  7. Thought I’d give you a breakfast idea. My sis-in-law gave us an omlet pot. It is the size of a large coffee cup with a lid on it. You mix 2 eggs in a bowl with some cheese and whatever you want, spray the omlet pot with cooking spray, pop it into the microwave for 2 minutes. And you have an omlet for one! I made one for my 1 1/2 year old today; she loved it!

  8. Jo – “to daily choose the good part” – that’s a timely word for me. Thanks for that.

  9. I am going to work hard at overlooking the junk behavior which usually happens when I am preoccuppied and they need me… my tone of voice when responding and having the girls memorized a scripture a month.

  10. I have discovered lately that the already-cooked bacon is wonderful to use on school mornings. The best thing is that you and your children don’t smell like bacon….And, it only takes a few seconds to heat it up…Real fried bacon is better, but this is a great alternative…

  11. Ahhh, the hot breakfast. When I was little my mom would NOT buy a box of cereal. Cold cereal = Ichabod. Anathema. She thought it always had to be something warm. Sure, we had grits and eggs, but lots of times just to get us to actually eat something hot she would make things like fried chicken or tomato soup. I still love it in the AM. Mmmm, mmm good. And both of those are to this day my all time comfort foods.

    As for resolutions, I don’t make them either. They do tend to put my focus on my failures, and heaven knows I don’t need any help with that. I just want to try and be a better person than I was last year. More of the good, less of the bad. More of Him, less of me.

  12. Don’t sweat it, it took me 13 years of momdom before I finally got breakfast down. Hey cereal WITH milk anyone?

    In ’09, I am really going to try to keep up with my obligations to work. Being self employed, I have a bad habit of letting the not urgent stuff slide and pile up. I am trying to take one day a week and tackle those things.

    Good Luck

  13. I hope you are not following Michael Scott’s example and putting a Foreman grill by your bed. You remember how that turned out, right?

    After a year and a half of letting hospitality slide, I am jumping back in this year, Lord willing.

  14. Great goals! And attainable, too.

    Mine is to start my day in the bible-5 minutes minimum-every day. Small, simple, attainable.

    Happy New year!

  15. Well, forget cooking breakfast, I need to resolve myself to cook – period.

    But the biggie I am working on this year is to quit being so quick to judge. Period.

  16. I’m so with you on the resolution thing. My husband is a goal-setter, but that’s just not my bend!

    However, I’ve been convicted in these areas:
    -finish my 90 day Beth Moore study before March (started in August!)
    -scripture memory challenge (Beth Moore)
    -improve health by losing weight – there’s plenty to lose, but I’m going to be happy with any, and with the healthy side-effects.

    Regarding your breakfast goals, I second gwen’s comments, and I’ll also mention that you can fry up your bacon, pat it dry, then refrigerate in a ziploc. Fry it on the weekend and enjoy it all week by zapping it for a few seconds in the microwave. Also, you might try one of the breakfast egg muffin recipes on the internet. Make in a big batch on the weekend and enjoy all week. I do a simple one with basic frittata (crustless quiche) ingredients, then pour into muffin pans.

  17. Good timing because today I awoke in a constructive frame of mind – been praying for that change in me and voila! Thursday is the day. Great words from all the responders – love the Mary and Martha idea because I tend too much to Martha and then get all uppity with myself and lay around reading a “good book” thinking I’m being Mary-ish. Lysa TerKeurst had a wonderful word to my heart today in a devotional (email thingie) – her prayer was “Dear Lord, Thank You that my identity does not have to be determined by the circumstances of my life. Help me to hear Your Words, put them into practice and stand firm on Your truth. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.” – that ought to firm up 2009 quite well thank you. BTW breakfast is my FAVORITE meal – oatmeal, chicken fried steak, egg sammiches, almost anything qualifies!

  18. Your bacon hair was funny. Just yesterday my husbands co-workers said he smelled like onions and should eat frist and then shower. That’s what you get with omlets.

  19. I have so many but the main thing I need to work on is not stressing about the little things in life, like my husband picking up his shirt from the sofa and putting it in the hamper. I know it will never happen so why do I let it get to me so bad?

  20. Oh, sister you are hitting me where I live today!

    “I’m not an extravagant person by any stretch of the imagination, but I have a bad habit of justifying minor purchases because they’re minor purchases. $10 here. $15 there. $25 at the other place. And before I know it, I’ve spent $100 on, I don’t know, pens and shampoo and chicken breasts and a couple of shirts from Target.” Are we the same person in Target!? You put it perfectly, and that is something that I too am working on improving this year.

    Also, AmyBear started at preschool every day this week as opposed to just MWF. I am setting the alarm, getting up EVERY day and trying to be more consistent with the morning routine now that all the mornings are the same.

    And following with that, I’m trying to be more diligent with my prayer life/quiet time in that morning time that I have to myself.

  21. Over on my blog, I talked about my bucket list; it is quite likely to get dumped out and started over from time to time! One of mine is indeed to be more in God’s word, to do some home projects that I want to do, but mostly RUSH. I felt frenzied at the end of 2008, and I didn’t like it, not one bit. I also have some health issues to work on, now that I’m without a metabolism….working on that. I am overwhelmed easily, too, but by focusing on the what really matters, I will be focusing on the right things…..God, my family, my health, etc.


  22. Yes, breakfast is a mighty good thing, by the way.


  23. I like your philosophy. I am completely overwhelmed right now and handling it most poorly.

  24. That breakfast one, and the “queen of the poptarts” label, fits me to a tee!

    And I really like the other resolution that you’ve set out to meet too. What a blessing it will be to your husband! (Target is also a particular weakness of mine.)

    I have two resolutions for ’09:

    1. Stop using the credit cards for everyday purchases, instead using the debit card from now on. If the money is not there, I can’t spend it.

    2. Really make an effort to curb my cussing, especially around the kids. I have never been a sailor, so I need to stop speaking like one. On the flip side of this coin, I’d like to speak blessings over my children and husband on a regular basis, telling them how important they are to me and what I appreciate about them.

  25. Ah, resolutions. Hate ‘em!! I’ve never made them and probably never will, but there are certainly areas I’d like to improve. Beginning with scripture memory verses. Then, moving on to using them in the daily things. Say, for instance, 1 Chronicles 16:11 “Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.” Now, I could certainly use that one to kick my husband’s tail on the Wii boxing! Talk about application!!

  26. Do you know what my kids like for breakfast? I just spent .16 each on them and they are a hot breakfast! Ramen Noodles. I know. I know. But the kids do like them! As for nutrition? eh.

    You know I think my goal is to keep my chin up and to keep on relying on God’s love for me. For we know and rely on the love God has for us. Right? I really, really need to do that better.

    And your ambitiousy ambitiousness is a very wonderful-ish place to be! I love it!!

    Praying for you, friend.

  27. Ever since my mother made grits for Christmas brunch, I CANNOT GET ENOUGH GRITS. A big ol’ puddle of Brummel and Brown melting in the middle with maple syrup drizzled over the whole thing. YUM.

    And it’s much faster than frying bacon.

  28. K- isn’t interested in hard core breakfast, but I insist that she eat something. For us, we buy Nutri Grain bars in bulk. (No kidding.) Sometimes she is on a Gogurt kick. I figure that if it is healthy, that is fine. She gets up and just isn’t ready to eat right when she pops out of bed. I understand that, but I can’t send a potentially hungry child to school.

    As for new things for our new year, I’ve made a Boo Mama list on the blawg. Oh look, I have the link right here!

    Long story short, lose a little weight, eat better, do more Mommy School with K-, be a bit more consistent with the picking up thing of the homestead. All doable things, I believe.

    In the meantime, may you have a chicken fried New Year. Just don’t have Melanie handle it for you. She’ll sling it across the floor first, then serve it to you. But that’s only after it’s been in the oven to properly sterilize it, of course!

  29. I feel like there are a ridiculous number of things i want/need to be working on this year. But the two things I want to focus on are:
    1-working on a consistent schedule of sleeping, feeding and naps for Jayci
    2-Working on self-discipline (in the areas of money, eating, quiet times etc)

    good luck with those goals of yours – I totally agree with the faithful in the small things . . . and why is it SO easy to skip the most important meal of the day? and SO hard to stop eating at night?!

  30. I am absolutely horrid when it comes to frying bacon…. like take the batteries out of the detectors bad. I’ve started buying turkey bacon (reg works too) and I put it in a cookie sheet then bake it. It ends up perfectly crispy, and most importantly, edible!

  31. I too am not fond of the whole goal thing. We have to do them for work, in fact at our first meeting of the year tomorrow, “be prepared to share one goal for 2009 and what you plan to do to achieve it” – YUCK!

    But I did get one of those Chronological Bibles last weekend to assist in my desire to spend more time with Jesus each morning this year. He has heard me make this promise before; so thankful His mercies are new every morning!

  32. we too, love the hot breakfast! sausage almost every morning (hail to the microwaveable Banquet brown ‘n serve maple sausage pkg of 10!) with either grits, oatmeal, or eggs. don’t get me wrong, there ARE cereal mornings, but we try to mix up the variety for them. Only because my mom served me toast for breakfast almost every day of my academic life, and I was about 30 before I really wanted to make myself a piece of toast.

    M’mmm, goals. Ugh.
    I didn’t really make any this year, so that I’m not a failure by Valentines Day. But I would like to not commit to so many things this year (hello, doing the elementary school yearbook because I can’t say NO). I’d also loooove to get back into working out regularly. Only one of my friends knows this, and she’s texting me daily to ask if I’ve started yet. Finally today, I texted her ‘yes’ just so she’ll quit bugging me. (forgive me Lord!)

    I’ll get to it soon enough. I just had to buy all new bras cause of some more weight gain, so I’m gettin pretty motivated.

    By the way, thanks again Sophie for that chocolate gravy recipe…


  33. I try to do a post for my goals yearly. I also try to do updates throughout the year (keeps me accountable!). A few goals for 2009 (keep in mind I don’t have the official, full list yet):

    1. Scan all my film pictures to the computer
    2. Get home movies transferred to DVDs (#1 and #2 are carry overs from 2008)
    3. Continue my workout regimen
    4. Continue my cooking-at-home-more regimen
    5. Finish painting the house interior

  34. I think I’m going to walk 10 seconds on the treadmill tonight, so that would negate the lie I told my friend, right?

    Instead of accessory after the fact, it could be ‘honesty after the fact’…


  35. First of all, I just have to share that I heard yesterday about the oldest woman living now who is 114 years old. She said that a “piece of crispy bacon everyday” is one of the things that keeps her doing so well! I like that advice. But, one of the things I’m working on for 2009 is getting back on track with the workout routine I started last Spring. I lost 19 pounds and gained about 4 back from Nov-now. Less fast food will help with that, too!

  36. I too need to think about the little things more. I over spend my budget every month with “little things” and I want to read the bible this year. I got myself the 365 day chronological bible for myself as a New Year’s present. Of course losing weight is always on there.

  37. Oh, Boomama, you make me laugh. Everybody knows there’s no such thing as “leftover” bacon.

  38. I’m with you on not making “real” resolutions. I’ve sorta kinda been kickin’ around the idea of focusing on a Word more than an exercise or event or plan. You know, like focusing on being “consistent” or “follow-through”. Yep, if I focused on a word/concept, many a thing would get done better.

  39. Leftover bacon??? I’ve never seen such a thing..kind of like Bigfoot–I’ve heard of it,but never actually seen it….

  40. Here is an idea for you – something that works in my family – if you don’t mind leftovers…

    I cook up a large recipe of homemade buttermilk pancakes (email me if you want the recipe), and thing of bacon and a lb. of sausage on Saturday morning. We eat, let all the leftovers cool, then freeze the pancakes, and put the bacon and sausage in frig. This makes it just as fast and easy to reheat as pop tarts on weekday mornings.

  41. Some things I would like to work on:

    1) Using my time wisely (less time in front of things with screens). This is a big one for me!

    2) Spending more time reading good books.

  42. Um…I heard bacon hair was an aphrodisiac…no? Maybe David should stay home some day after breakfast.

    Just sayin.

    My goals in a nutshell:
    15 minutes to plan my day (just an outline is fine–helps with duplicate trips)

    Memorizing a few “life verses”

    Knowing what’s fer din din before 10 a.m.

    Yes, it seems I’m the opposite of you–breakfast is as easy as a piece of peanut butter toast, but dinner? Dinner has parts and effort. sigh.

    Blessings on your ambitiousy ambitiousness.

  43. You are very ambitious with the hot breakfast every day! We will still be eating cold cereal and PopTarts in ’09, but I do want to work on serving my family more joyfully!

  44. My husband has eaten a Brown Sugar and Cinnamon generic brand Pop-Tart almost every day of the 4 1/2 years we have been married. I’m pretty sure he’s going to live forever because he’ll be PRESERVED.

    That said–I like what you said about trying to honor your husband. I would like to honor mine by attempting to make our home more of a haven instead of leaving dirty dishes in the sink until kingdom come or everything dries on them so hard I just throw the dishes away.

  45. Giiiiiiiiiiirrrllll-now that just plain looks all snazzy up there on your blog-yes ma’am it does! The button turned out fabulous. I would totally wear it if it was an outfit!! Thank you so much for allowing me to advertise on your site. You are reaching the group I am trying to encourage in the fine art of Christian mothering!! Thank you for giving me a platform to do just that. I am excited and beleive God will enlarge the borders of our ministry to MOMS (1 Cor. 2:2). I am all together blessed. In fact, I beleive I will sit down and right me a blog about it. Button, Button, Who’s Got the Button?!?!


  46. I am so happy to see Jean’s button! I LOVE Jean and am so looking forward to actually meeting her on Monday when she comes to speak to our MOPS group. If you want to make a road trip to N’ville on Monday morning, you are welcome to come to the meeting and we could have ourselves a good ole’ bloggy meeting!!!

    My NY’s resolution is to train for a race (5K to start) b/c that is something fun that I could do with my husband. Also to be a sweeter mama to my girls and be a better wife to Billy.

    Good for you on making bkft for the little man! Keep it up!

  47. Boo:

    You so make me laugh… thank you for that! :-)

    I am the queen of excuses, so I don’t usually make resolutions..

    This year I do have a goal or two…

    * To tackle my health and loose some weight.

    * To join theSimpleWife in her frugal wife campaign…(three college tuitiions soon)

    * Scripture memorization and devoted time with the Lord.

    Okay… I am already pooped… (see excuses…)

  48. I totally know what you mean about the breakfast thing. I eat an apple and a bottle of water for breakfast. Good. to. go!

    But I have six other people in my family and the apple thing? Not so much. About three years ago, my husband asked if I could start doing a hot breakfast every weekday morning. I didn’t want to do it, but I knew that I should give him this small request. So– I came up with a breakfast schedule.

    Monday- waffles (Eggos) & fruit
    Tuesday- biscuits (canned) and bacon
    Wednesday- eggs and bacon
    Thursday- Blueberry muffins & fruit
    Friday- Cereal (I almost made it– but Friday is my husband’s day off, so he doesn’t really care.

    Spencer cooks a big breakfast on Saturdays and the church has donuts on Sunday, so I’m off the hook.

    It really has been great having a breakfast schedule. Everybody is happy. :)

  49. “low low price of $19.99”? Where do you shop?! “Low low” is $6.99 or less. Just so you know.

  50. Those are awesome goals. And not so easy, I might add!

    I’m working on simplifying. Which right now basically means cleaning out all our closets of stuff we don’t actually use/need anymore. In retrospect, it would have been simpler to keep the closet doors closed!


    Check out Wilbanks World for my take on last year’s resolutions and my plan for this year!

  52. I didn’t make any resolutions this year. No ma’am. I just have a prayer for myself for ’09, which is that I would not fall apart spiritually or emotionally after Baby #2 comes and that I would enjoy this year. I’m loving your resolution to make better breakfasts. Jackson has toast every single day unless I’m feeling crazy and I make Eggo waffles.

  53. I’m not much of a goal gal myself, but…

    I am trying to read through the Bible chronologically this year. So far, I’m not behind. :)

    And, I’m at that age where I’ve decided exercise is going to have to become a part of my life. Either that, or I’m going to have to start buying a bigger size of jeans way more often than should be necessary! I have yet to do any real exercise in 2009, but it’s early… I will get there… I hope!

  54. I have several things that I need to work on, but I am procrastinating on starting them all (and yes…procrastination is one of those things). My son likes bacon every morning, too. I cook it on Sunday night and reheat it in the microwave on school mornings…it works great and is the only way I could do it.

  55. I commend your efforts. To wake up, dress everyone and get folks moving is a lot to ask. A hot meal? Seriously?

    1. to move more- want to make it to 40 with some muscle tone and not so squishy. I want someone to say “you’re really 40? no way” not “that’s all, I thought you were older.”

    2. Quiet time- need to spend more time with the Lord learning and listening.

    3. Organized- in all aspects of my life.

    All this will make a better me, mom and wife. Oh, and more sleep. Yes, more sleep!

  56. Summed up in three phrases:

    “Sodas are for the cinema.” Pretty straight forward. No cokes (as we southerners call them even though I’m referring mainly to Dr. Pepper products) except with popcorn at the movies.

    “Write it on my heart.” Being intentional in putting Scripture to heart.

    “Cover to cover.” Actually reading the entire bible. We’ll see about that one…Lord, help me.

  57. Some of my goals:

    1. Lost 50 more pounds.
    2. Memorize 20 Scripture passages.
    3. Read 20 books (which is a pathetically low number for an English teacher!)
    4. Find somewhere to volunteer.
    5. Walk a mile in 13:30 (I walk it in 14:30 right now)
    6. Learn to crochet. (If anyone has any tips on good, cheap ways to learn this, please let me know!)

  58. I love that a New Year brings with it a fresh start. And usually I try to change at least 82 things about my life in the first 3 weeks of January. But, that hasn’t seemed to work too well for me in the past. This year I’m doing things differently. I’m focussing on just one area. That area would be our finances…and I’m going to blog about it as I go.

  59. Have you tried the Tyson precooked bacon? Just 40 seconds in the microwave, and it is YUMMY!

  60. I’m a mom of 3 in school, so I am crazy busy for the next 2.5 years at least. I just don’t have the time for alot right now. But I have a goal, and I am facing towards it: Survive, and with my faith intact.

    The two courses I’m doing this semester are “Personal Health and Wellness” where I actually have to focus on those areas for marks (about the only way I would make time for this philosophy right now.) and the other is Psychology. And I happened to get the atheist-determinist-materialist Prof from you-know-where. So that is kicking my butt into the Word like nothing else does. That “wisdom of the world is foolishness to God” needs to be reaffirmed daily. It’s hard to get told you’re an idiot (in much loftier, academic terminology) and how all the evidence points away from God (who by the way has been determined to be “superfluous” by Science) and still hold on to faith if you’re aren’t getting your daily dose.

    I’m clinging to Jesus. Lord help me.


  61. I’m with you on breakfast.

    Does Alex like pancakes? My girl does. Hubs makes them sometimes on the weekend. He makes extra and I freeze them in groups of 3 or 4 in ziplock bags. All I have to do is pop them in the microwave during the week. It’s not as good as me actually getting out of bed in time to cook, but it’s an improvement over Cap’n Crunch (and healthier than the frozen ones from the store.)

  62. I tried the “Reverse Goals” a few years ago. I was tired of being a FAILURE at my New Year’s Resolutions, so I decided to roll with it. I resolved to gain 5 lbs and exercise less. And I succeeded!! What an amazing accomplishment!!

    All that fun aside…I’m working on being the person I WANT TO BE. I want to know God’s Word more, be more in love with Jesus, and be more like Him at the end of this year. That’s the most important to me this year. Spending time DAILY in the Word is my one thing.

    Mr. Wonderful (husband, not God) and I are also working out together more often, but it’s not a daily thing.

    Teeny, tiny, baby steps : )

    Happy New Year, BooMama!

  63. And before I know it, I’ve spent $100 on, I don’t know, pens and shampoo and chicken breasts and a couple of shirts from Target.

    OOOOOOOOOO you so just scuffed my pedi.
    There goes that $25.

    I feel bad about breakfast too. I don’t let myself buy poptarts anymore altho I do stare lovingly at them in Krogers. I don’t do much better, but my kids love instant oatmeal and I feel like a better mom when I give it to them. Even tho it probably has as much sugar as a poptart. But it’s OATMEAL, for petes sake. It’s HEALTHY. FIBER. Etc.

    Oh, and the Eggos with chocolate chips – ummmm they’re sure good.

  64. Again I’m trying to read the Bible ALL the way through. This is the year I know it!!!

    Loose some weight (any amount will be acceptable) by exercising more because I love the grits and bacon toooo much.

    To use my time more efficently. I have projects that were started when my son was a baby. He’ll be 30 in March!!!

    What can I say? I love your blog. You make me laugh at least once a day and that is a great resolution.

  65. You know…FiberOne makes Pop Tarts now… I checked the box in the store the other day and saw that each tart has 4g of fiber versus 1g.


    I made my instant (!) grits in the microwave the other day, and I do believe they were the worst I’ve ever made. Doh! I’m such a northerner. I don’t know if I’ve even seen the slow-cooking grits that you mentioned on your podcast.

    In other news.

    Jim Gaffigan (XOXO) had a Facebook note back around Christmas time, and he started it off with “I’m gonna take a break from hanging bacon on the Christmas tree to tell you about [my new DVD, blah blah blah}.” That man cracks. me. up.

    Anyway. Blather blather blather.

    I’m a fan of the whole grain waffles you just stick in the toaster, and when I’m feeling really fancy, I serve them with blueberry sauce . Mmmm, it’s wonderful and not as sticky sweet as the corn syrupy stuff.

    We’ve also been using a breakfast schedule for a couple of years now, and that helps me as much as the kids.

  66. here’s a quick healthy breakfast idea we eat several times a week. The night before I soak 2 cups of steel cut oats in approx 5 cups of water. In the morning simply bring to a boil for approx 10 min. and serve. People tend to shy away from these oats because they think it is time consuming but it’s because they don’t soak them. It is actually as quick as instant oats only much better for you.

  67. I have a bacon tip for you (my girls devour bacon and ask for it everyday)…what i do is cook MUTIPLE batches on Sat (I work during the week) and then *hide* some cooked bacon in the fridge. (or they will find it and eat it- they are carnivores!)

    Schoolday mornings, take it out of the fridge, reheat in microwave and voila- they get their bacon, I don’t smell like it, and the kitchen is only greasy one day instead of mutiple days.

    Now goals- well, mine are always the same- be more organized/less clutter…loose weight…yada yada

    HTH! Rhonda

  68. Oh the bacon scented hair….I can’t tell ya how I laughed when I read this. I tried puttin’ a shower cap over my head before I cooked breakfast one Sunday, because I was afraid I was gonna have the whole choir slobberin’ whilst we sang. BTW, it didn’t work, STILL smelled like bacon.

  69. One thing that I’ve done for the last couple of months that has really helped our budget is to write down every. single. thing. we. buy. I think that sometimes just knowing that I have to write it down keeps me from buying something. It’s also been very helpful in finding out exactly where our money is spent.

  70. You know, peanut butter isn’t a complete protein without a carb. So you need to add a cracker or two to make it worthwhile. Or, in my case, a brownie. Or three.

  71. My main focus is going to be memorizing 2 verses a month. I also need to exercise more so I can lose 13 lbs.

  72. It’s funny just yesterday I started “journaling”. I’ve heard that it is a huge help if you’re trying to lose weight. I have tried to journal many times, but can’t seem to finish that either. I had an idea and we’ll see how long I do it. I am typing my journal on Word. I just print it and don’t save it. I have a pretty little notebook and 3 hole punch it and put it in there. I think I actually may stick with this….it was so fast. Anyway, yesterday I wrote the same thing about resolutions. I don’t want to call it that, because I think I’m just setting myself up for failure. I wrote some goals and they were 1. eat healthier 2. walk (5 days a wk) 3.get in better health….getting close to the needing of medications and don’t wnat that! and 4. getting closer to God through prayer and His Word. I have seen some other things on here that are things I need to work on as well. I’m also really trying to have a right mental attitude and not a defeated one. If I don’t do something right I’m trying to just let it go….not always been easy for me!

  73. First of all I am glad that I am not the only one who enjoys “flipping out”. That show is hysterical although I only caught part of a marathon. Anyways I need to lose some weight since my twins are 20 months old I can no longer hold onto the “just had twins” thing. I also want to memorize scripture, go on more dates with my husband, be more consistant with my kids even though it is easier, much easier, to give in. There are a ton more but those are the basics.

  74. So far my list begins with (but by no means ends) with:
    *Read more books.
    *Replace fence.
    *Replace master bath flooring.
    *Learn to bake bread.

    You’ve reminded me I have slacked off in the b-fast department as well. We’ve been eating a lot of cereal. I should get on that too.

  75. My list for 2009
    1. Work out increases to 4 times a week. NO EXCUSES ( did well with 3 x a week in 2008)

    2. Read a chapter of Proverbs every day with my kids and husband. (doing great so far)

    3. Listen to my kids more. (They blab a lot and I tune them out, but I’m trying to stop and focus and listen)

  76. Hello. My name is Cindy, and I am an overeater.

    Today marks my 28th day of staying on my eating plan. I have not overeaten in 28 days. TWENTY-EIGHT DAYS.

    And I’ve dropped 10 pounds.

    My goal for TODAY, not 2009, is to stick to my plan.

    Just today.

  77. When you just need a break from the bacon smell…Quick & easy chicken biscuits for little people…Mary B’s frozen tea biscuits and tyson chicken nuggets. Bake together for 12-14 mins turning nuggets once. Yummy!

  78. I’m the Queen of making resolutions and of course the Queen of not keeping them. This year – 3: read only fiction (a change for me), be nicer to my pets, and call my parents on a more regular basis. So far, so good. The dogs think I’ve been kidnapped and someone who looks a lot like me has moved in, and they’re fine with keeping my replacement!