Internet, A Techy Person Needs Your Insight

Y’all are going to think that this is the most random post ever, and that’s probably because YES. RANDOM. But a friend of mine who does computer-y / programming-y stuff needs some insight into how people navigate their way through blogs.

So. A couple of hypothetical situations.

Let’s say you’re clicking around on the interweb and you run across a blog you really enjoy. You know once you’ve read the first post or the first page that you want to read more.

Or maybe there’s a blog you haven’t visited in a while, and once you read a post or two, you decide that you want to spend some time catching up on old posts.

As a general rule, would you:

A) Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the link that says “older entries” or “next post” or “next page” (if such a link is available).

B) Use the categories listed in the sidebar and read through old posts category by category.

C) Use the archives and read through old posts month by month.

D) Some other method (and it would be great if you could specify what that method is, oh thank you).

And if you answer B, C or D, do you ever use the “older entries” / “next page” links at the bottom of blog pages? I mean, I do, but I may be the weirdest bloggy weirdo in all of bloggy weirdville.

Thanks in advance for your help!

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  1. Single Mama says:

    A + C – Yes.

    Start from the beginning

  2. I use older entry, but also look for a link to “our story” or whatever on the side.

  3. C. If I really like you and have just discovered you, I go back to the VERY beginning and start there, trying to get through a month a day until I catch up. I did that when I discovered you, Melanie, Darby at Fly Through Our Window, Chris at Notes from the Trenches, dooce and Ree.

  4. I use the older posts button or go by the month in the side bar.

  5. C… have only started all the way at the beginning and read every post once though. The rest of the time, I just use the “Search this blog” button if there is one to look up key things I want to know more about (i.e. the gist of who’s who, what has happened). Does that make any sense?

  6. I almost never search by topic.

    If I am interested in the person’s story, I like to start at the beginning, so I use the archives.

    If it’s a decorating/craft blog and I am just looking for some inspiration, I scroll all the way down the page and hit older posts til my laptop battery runs dead!

  7. Generally A, unless I’m looking for something specific that would be found more easily by B or C.

  8. Dee from Tennessee says:

    Usually A….

  9. I almost always click “Next Page” or “Older Posts”. Every once in a while, if I’ve gone to a blog for a particular reason (like Mrs. Y said I should check out Mrs. X’s blog b/c she just went through a situation similar to mine) then I’ll check the categories for the post topic I’m looking for.

  10. “Older posts” button definitely works and I use it often. However, when I find a new blog that I like, I tend to go back into the archives and read month by month in chronological order. Cause I’m cool and crazy and OCD like that…

  11. I am definitely an “A” blog reader. I rarely, if ever, deviate.

    And I read a LOT of blogs :) Useless information but for some reason I feel the need to share that… talk about WEIRD! :)


  12. If I come across a new blog I will do “A” and check out the next entries. That way, I can kind of get a “feel” for the blog. I will also look at the labels but won’t usually click on them. I rarely click on the archives.

  13. I’m apparently in the minority here, but being new to reading blogs and having such little time to read any of them, I do D.) Specifically, I look for a “google friends” button or the “rss link” (which by the way, I still do not understand how to add it to my page). If the blog is not one that will show up in my reader page, then I do not have the time to read it. Of course, if I am intrigued, I snoop through the sidebar archives before adding, but I usually add it to my reader and delete it later if I do not find the blog interesting.

  14. Mostly “A”, but if I am really far behind I do “C”.

  15. I go to the bottom of the page and go backwards. The only time I ever went to the beginning was when I read Ree’s High Heels to Tractor Wheels.

  16. A, most of the time.

    One exception is if it’s a blog about a specific journey – like an adoption blog, or when I first found the Bring the Rain blog – I go to the side, find the oldest entry in the archives, and start there so I can read the whole story from the beginning.

    Or, right now I’m redecorating my house so I’ve been looking at a lot of decorating blogs. For these, I usually read the entries on the first page and then browse their categories instead of trying to go in any sort of chronological order.

  17. I prefer to use the “older entries” link at the bottom of the page. I have one on my blog and if I’m reading a blog that doesn’t have one I usually get frustrated because I don’t like to use the other methods. I know, I’m weird.

  18. If I don’t put the blog in my google reader then I use the Older entries button.

  19. I can’t believe how many people use next or older entries method. Apparently I’m the weirdo! ;) I use the archives or categories so I can pick the month/subject I want to read. (But I’m also a math geek. Think there’s a connection?)

  20. I would do A and then B. B would come in to play if they wrote on a topic I really liked. I might just hit the tag button on the bottom of the post though.

  21. A…Always!

  22. I use the “older entries” most of the time on mommy blogs. But on more informational blogs like crafts, design, toddler lessons, or frugal living, etc. I use the categories a lot.

  23. C would be my first choice, but A works.

  24. Mostly “A.” If they mention something I’m interested in that they wrote about a long time ago, I will choose “B” or “C.” Rarely do I choose “B” or “C,” however.

  25. I always go to the archives to look at previous entries. I have never done option A….

  26. I first go to older posts, and then after one page tend to use the Archives month by month, simply because that way I tend to remember how far back I have read!

  27. C. Go back to the beginning and read month by month during my lunch. That way you are in order aren’t wondering “when did that happen!?”

  28. Both A and B. A if the writer’s voice and style appeals to me and B if I’ve stumbled across a topic of particular interest.

  29. I almost never use the older entries button – much prefer the archives or categories.

    I also really disklike the teasers that start a post and then you have to click “read more” drives me batty!

  30. A mostly.

  31. i usually start by going with the “older entries” link. but then if i’m still lovin what i read…i usually want to start at the beginning so i go through the month by month archives.

    hope that helps!

  32. I use the older entry/next page option. Usually I can catch up from there. If it’s a new one I just read back a ways. Also the lady that said put a link to “all about me” is a great idea. Sometimes I link to a blog and cannot find anything about the writer except for the blog entries.

    Hope this helps


  33. C

  34. I use A) to start, but if I read more than 2 or 3 pages worth I either start using C) or D), which for me is adding to Google Reader and clicking “sort from oldest post” at the top….

  35. A if that’s an option. C if it’s not.

  36. I click on the “older posts” link on the bottom and read until my eyes start to glaze over and the kids are pestering me to make them lunch. :)

  37. I use Google Reader to view the blogs I love, so I just go through them one by one there – I rarely go to the actual blog, unless I want to comment. But when I do, then I use option “A”.

  38. I like to go by category or month by month. Sometimes I combine the two. For example: I want to read all of Posie Gets Cozy’s sewing so I started as far back as I could go and am working my way forward chronologically. And when someone has a category such as: Craziness or Random or Neil Diamond then I like to go to those categories first because, you know, those REALLY speak to me. ; )

  39. If I’m behind on a blog I enjoy, I use the Older Posts/Next Page. If I find a new blog and want to read more? I use Older Posts/Next Page. But I’m also a fan of the whole “New? Start here!” links where I can go to a page that tells me everything. Sometimes I’m lazy like that.

  40. I think it really depends on what kind of blogs read. I spend LOADS of time reading DIY and cooking blogs and so my answer is primarily B. I usually know what I’m looking for or have read a post and want to see more of that type of post. However, if I read a random blog about someone’s day to days then I will just use A. The only time I’ve ever used C is when I’ve fallen for a new blog and want to see how it all began. I’ll use C to get to the first blog page.

  41. A.

    If I like what I’ve read after one or two “older entries” clicks, then I subscribe.

  42. I ALWAYS use the “older posts” button at the bottom! I like to read in order…allbeit reversed order.

  43. I typically scroll and read through the more recent posts but if it’s a GREAT blog then I use the monthly achives and read oldest to newest. I like the monthly format because I can easily pick up where I’ve left off.

  44. If I am wanting to read the blog from the beginning, I use the month-by-month archive. Other wise I use the Older-posts button.

  45. propwashz says:

    Usually “C” , occasionally “A”

  46. Almost always option A.

  47. I always use older entries

  48. Jennifer L. says:

    I definitely would read the older posts archived by month. I hardly ever use the category archives. I do use the “next page” link, especially if I’ve missed a couple of days or if I want to re-read a recent post.

  49. I do “a” unless it’s a recipe blog and I’m looking for a specific type of recipe. Then I use the labels/categories in the sidebar, if the person has the recipes sorted in that way.

  50. Hi, I usually use the older entries, except if I get really involved, then I’ll use the archives and start from the beginning. Julie

  51. Because I look for adoption-related blogs much of the time, I like it when the posts are organized into categories. That way, I can read about their trip to meet their child, etc. if that’s what I’m looking for.

    I also really like the “About Me” kind of options (or a good description in a sidebar), so I can get the abridged version of what the blog is about.

  52. Usually A unless a category catches my eye

  53. Usually A, but sometimes C because I like to go back and read the entries in the order they were written if it is telling an ongoing story.

  54. I use the “older entry” or “previous page” thing unless I see a very interesting TAG catergory, say, something like “my funeral” or “Saturn Sky” =)

    Hope this helps!

  55. I still navigate like Granny- I use the older entries or previous page method.

    The only way I read really old posts that I have not read before (like I just discovered their blog) is if they have a “best of” link.

    Hope this helps.

  56. Always C. Start with the very first one and read them in order until I get to the most recent. I never really mess with categories unless I’m on one of those how-to techie pages and am only interested in one thing, like how to do sidebars or changing background colors or something. But for your reading-for-fun blog, it’s always C. I don’t really do much with the previous page/older entry buttons.

  57. A and B

  58. Almost always A…unless I’m looking for an old post that I remember a little about so I can search with some direction/purpose.

  59. Always A! Unless I am looking for something specific that I have read before.

  60. I click the older posts entries, if I happen to have a lot of time. Usually though, I just add them to my feedreader and keep up with them from then on. Because who has time to read archives, even really good ones?

  61. If it’s a blog I read regularly, then I’m not usually behind on it. And by regularly, you should know, Sophie, that pretty much mean you and Melanie. You’re both like the Office. If, “IF”, I miss them, I must watch, I mean read, as soon as possible which means only a post or maybe two.

    If it’s one of my favs that I read almost every day but sometimes just several times a week, I just skim through what I’ve missed, either read all the missed posts or just what screams, “YOU SIMPLY MUST READ THIS POST” to me.

    If it’s one I like but visit sporadically as life allows time, I do the same but on a different scale. I skim, read what SCREAMS (and yes, some post actually do scream at me! ;) ) and move on.

    And finally, if it’s one I happen upon (usually from a link from another blogger) and I love right away, I usually read their About Me type post and then bookmark their blog.

    I’d love to read more often, but, you know, LIFE! It really is like weekly T.V. You have your shows you really like but sometimes just have to miss and catch up as you can. Then their are those favs that you CANNOT MISS–like The Office. And that, is precisely how I read blogs.

  62. I never start from the beginning, but if there was a button for that, I’d probably use it! I read a few posts and add to my read list. Enjoy reading yours, boo!

  63. I usually don’t want to miss anything, so I use the “older post” or “previous page” until I get to where I left off… I don’t really know how to use the archives, etc… but I should probably explore to figure that out!

  64. i DEFINITELY use the older posts/newer posts buttons. they complete me.

  65. I definitly use A, then I would resort to C. But only if I ran into an instance when I wanted to just far back. Sometimes I remember reading something on a blog and wish that there was a search function, but usually, ok always there isn’t one. Atleast when I need one anyway. :)

  66. I always use the “older entries” tab at the bottom.

  67. I almost always use A……..once in a great while I might use B or C if I’m searching for something.

  68. i’m going to go with A on this one.

    once i’ve fallen in love with a blog, and realize the blogger might have something to say that is really pertinent to me (say, parenting, for example), then i’ve been known to be a B reader.

    i’ve also read a blog using the C method, but that’s rare.

  69. Christy Cate says:

    I’m an A girl. However, if I already know this blog is a “keeper,” I go ahead and pull it into my Google Reader and scroll through titles of previous posts.

  70. When I find a blog I really like because of the info in it (a craft blog, for example), I will use the older posts button to keep reading. If I find a blog that has a “story” I get really frustrated if I can’t find a way to get to the beginning quickly. Bloggers usually start with a post about why they are blogging and I like to read that before I continue with the “relationship.” :)

  71. When I discover a blog I’m interested in reading, I start out at the archives, looking for the oldest month available. I scroll to the bottom of that month, and then click on the “older entries” arrow at the bottom to look for the very, very first entry. At that point, I use the next or newer entries arrows to read and catch up on the blog until I reach present time.

  72. This is interesting. I’ve been wondering this myself lately.

    I do the same thing as Trina. Go to the oldest post possible and work back.

    Occasionally I might use the ‘next page’ link, but thats generally only on craft blogs and usually don’t read much more after that.

  73. I generally go the the archives and the first post.

    Occasionally I’ll check out the ‘next page’ link, but not often

  74. I usually do the archives and go month by month, because I am ocd and don’t want to miss something.

  75. A

    Unless I’m looking for something specific and I have a general idea of when I read it, and in that case— C

  76. I am an “A” girl…

  77. I use the Older posts or next option. I very rarely will use the archives unless it is specific to something like recipes.

  78. I use the next post/older entries button.

  79. most commonly “A”, occasionally “C”
    I almost never read by topic.

  80. I enjoy blogs that have the “If you liked this, you might like this” boxes with pictures at the bottom. This is partly due to the fact that I tend to read decor blogs.

  81. I go old school and do “A”.

  82. Choice A for me…always.

  83. I’m a stalker (he he :]) so I keep pretty up to date on posts. Because of that, I don’t get very for behind normally. So choice A is what I ususally do. Once, though, when I was trying to read a blog from the beginning (I’ve only done this once. Angie’s blog, if that helps explain lol) I read it by month..which is C. I don’t read by topics.

  84. If I’m directed to a specific post, and I like it, and want to see the rest of the blog, I just click the header – then read down the page. If I like what I’ve seen, I click on ‘previous entries’ and read further back. If I decide it’s worth following, I add it to my google reader…

  85. I do a combination of A & C. But I’m always sad when a blog doesn’t have the “older entries” or “previous” button, because it’s a lot easier to deal with. On the other hand, if I want to find out what they posted last Christmas, for example (esp. on a craft or recipe blog), it’s nice to go to the archive section for that.

  86. I always do “A.” Or if I want to start the blog from the beginning I will search for the first post and read from there.

  87. I do A and C

  88. A. I just keep hitting older posts and read backwards (reverse-chronological order?). I have a huge problem with “next” and “previous” and I don’t know which way those go so I’m always miss-clicking.

  89. Amy in TN says:

    I usually always use the “older posts” option. There have only been two times when I have read them by month when I realized I wanted to read every post from the beginning of a fairly new blog.

  90. I don’t think I’ve ever read the entire archives of any blog. I skip around using the “older” or whatever buttons if the blog is new to me and I’m interested, although I will find the first entry using the archives to see if there is back story I need to understand. So … A and a touch of C, never B.