What We Have Here Are Some Special Offers

So today was the day that the book page for Home is Where My People Are went live (is that the right terminology? should I say that it dropped? that it made its debut? I have no idea.), and now that it’s up and running, I am just as tickled as I can be to point y’all in that direction. There are all sorts of little goodies there, so I will explain them at this juncture.

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(This book cover isn’t supposed to be animated or anything.)

(I just thought it would be helpful if we had a visual aid.)

1. The first fancy thing about the book page is that you can download the first chapter of the book. And really, you can download the first chapter and two chapter-ettes, because the download includes the book’s introduction. So basically what we’re talking about is twenty pages of free entertainment.

2. The book page also has some very sassy artwork that you can pin to Pinterest, share on Facebook, or just quietly admire on your computer screen while you enjoy the snack cracker of your choice.

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These are just two of the share-able prints, and I think they’re darlin’.

(Also, if you’re on Facebook, SO AM I. Just FYI because I do not mention that as much as my very wonderful publisher would like for me to mention it. So I’ll be looking forward to seeing you there.)

3. There are some ready-made tweets on the book page as well. TWEET AT WILL, MY FRIENDS.

4. There’s a short biography about me. I do not think by any stretch of the imagination that this is the part of the book page that will hold your interest for a very long period of time, but I feel obligated to mention it.

5. Here’s the very best part: the pre-order incentives. If you buy the book anywhere – online, in a local bookstore, in your Aunt Gertrude’s gift shop – between 1/15 and 1/31, you can email your proof of purchase to Tyndale and receive a special gift from me to you. If you buy 2 or more books between 1/15 and 1/31, you can email those proofs of purchase to Tyndale and get TWO special gifts. Details are at the bottom of the book page.

6. And here’s what we started to realize today: the book is actually in stock at lots of retailers. Some places are shipping books already. So you can FOR REAL order it – not just pre-order it – and the pre-order incentives still apply. So in some cases the pre-order incentives will actually be order incentives. ISN’T THAT FANCY?

6. I suddenly feel like I’m on The Price is Right.

7. But free gifts are fun!

8. Here are some online retailers that have the book in stock right now.

Barnes & Noble

9. So. If you have a few extra minutes, head on over to the book page. Or if you’d really just like to know HOW TO GET THE FREE STUFF, you can click the box at the top of the book page to go directly to the pre-order offers.

And I’ll say it 149 times over the next few weeks, but thank y’all so much. Your support and encouragement and prayers and funny emails / tweets / comments mean the absolute world to me. I am so grateful for each one of you.

I hope y’all enjoy the book and the goodies, too!

p.s. and edited to add – If you pre-ordered the book before 1/15, you can still send your proof of purchase to the email address on the pre-order offer, and they will honor it!

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  1. So, I’ve already BLAZED through the first chapter and intro and I can’t wait to read it all!
    I can so identify with how you felt with those boys waving at you on the road. Something so simple, but it said you belonged. When we moved from Bham to Silicon Valley 18 mos ago, I wasn’t sure I’d ever belong. But, I’ve started seeing friends just driving down the road, out at various places. I have friends here and it feels like I might belong here, at least for a while.

    I sent the link to a few friends, they’re pretty excited to read BooMama’s newest book, too! Congrats!

  2. Just read the first chapter and love it too! You have such a gift in how you tell a story. Can’t wait to read the rest.

  3. The online retailers links aren’t working. =(

  4. Here’s the error message for all three links: Not Found, Error 404

  5. Brenda Austin says:

    I was excited yesterday to get email from B&N that book had shipped and should be here on 1/17 since it had originally told me something like 1/20something! Looking forward to reading this weekend. Loved the first book – so I know this one will be great too!

  6. Just ordered the book from Barnes and Noble! I can’t wait to receive it. You are such an inspiration Sophie, please keep doing what you do!

  7. Congratulations, Sophie! I had the pleasure of working on this book, and I simply cannot wait for others to read it. Your words will be a blessing to so many. Thanks for sharing your life and stories and family with us!

  8. I just ordered the new book on Amazon. I couldn’t get the Amazon link to work in your page but I went to their website and made sure to order it. I don’t comment very often but love your blog and your podcasts as well. You and Melanie are so funny. Best wishes for success with the new book!

  9. Er…what if we pre-ordered it FOR REAL, as in… October 12th?

  10. Sophie, congratulations on your latest book! I am such a fan of your writing and look forward to my book being delivered tomorrow. You are an amazing story-teller and your writing is the perfect blend of the funny, sweet, and spiritual journeys in life. As a fellow Southern girl, you speak the language of my people and I can’t wait to read more about yours! All the best with Home Is Where My People Are!

  11. i ordered three copies today! I appreciate your humor and faith!

  12. Just zipped through the preview and I’m very excited that the books are in stock now… Hope more mine arrives this weekend. P.S. “Throwing down the Jesus gauntlet” may be added to my church lexicon.

  13. I wholeheartedly agree with your quote on solving problems around the table with a bowl of cheese dip and the people you love! So cute too. Just ordered the book and can’t wait to dive in. Thanks and Congratulations Sophie!!!

  14. I got my book in the mail today. Can’t wait to start reading!

  15. Kathy Spann says:

    Ordered mine last night -paperback form – so I can share it. So excited.


  1. […] Boo Mama’s new book became available last week! Which totally rocks! I am anxiously awaiting its arrival on my doorstep. Hurry over to Big Mama’s right now to enter a giveaway. […]