American Idol – Top 9

I have to tell y’all that I am so excited about tonight’s show because I LOVE ME SOME DOLLY PARTON. I think she’s brilliant and funny and inspiring and wonderful. So I can’t wait to see what she has to say – because she is one phenomenal songwriter. Love her.

Brooke White – “Jolene” – I loved the whole acoustic / folksy feel of this arrangement, and I thought Brooke did a good job with it. That being said, I don’t think she necessarily did anything terribly original with the song. She seemed to have trouble hitting the higher notes on the chorus – but she’s so sincere and genuine that I almost like seeing the little flaws in her performance because it just makes it all the more real.

David Cook – “Little Sparrow” – I’m telling y’all: he gets better every single week. I am really getting attached to his voice – so distinctive, solid and good. Loved it. Which is becoming the norm for me where David Cook is concerned.

Ramiele Malubay – “Do I Ever Cross Your Mind?” – I think this was one of her best performances. She was energetic and didn’t try to scream big notes the whole time. She seemed a little out of breath when she was singing the verses, but overall I thought she did a nice job. Good for her.

Jason Castro – “Travelin’ Through” – Oh my word I really liked it. What was so cool about it for me was that it sounded like something I’d put on my iPod and listen to over and over again. Such a great song – and such a fun arrangement. And while I usually agree with Simon, I thought he was off the mark tonight, at least as far as Jason goes.

Carly Smithson – “Here You Come Again” – That was Carly’s best performance so far, I thought. A really cool, different take on a song that was great to begin with. She seems to have a little trouble when she goes too low or too high, but she’s fab when she’s in that middle range. And for me, tonight was leaps and bounds better than anything she’s done so far. I thought it was really pretty.

David Archuleta – “Smokey Mountain Memories” – The main thing that struck me about this song was that the lyrics are just beautiful. And this was David A.’s best performance in several weeks – seemed like the perfect song for him.

Kristy Leigh Cook – “Coat of Many Colors” – She’s definitely way more comfortable with a country song, don’t y’all think? Tonight’s performance didn’t blow me away, but it was solid – she did a nice job with the song.

Syesha Mercado – “I Will Always Love You” – My first thought was “OH, PLEASE BE SO CAREFUL WITH A SONG THAT WHITNEY DID.” Also: I did not understand why it was necessary for her to sit on top of the piano. But still, she did a nice job with a legendary version of this classic song.

Michael Johns – “It’s All Wrong But It’s All Right” – Nice ascot. Is that an ascot? Anyway. As far as his performance is concerned, I TRIPLE LOVED IT. I think the whole bluesy thing TOTALLY worked for him. His version of this song was absolutely incredible. Plan to purchase it on iTunes tomorrow.

Should go – Ramiele

Will go – Kristy Leigh

Best of the night – The husband and I just had a lively IM discussion about this very topic with FryDaddy. Because D and I think Michael Johns was the best, but FryDaddy holds unswervingly to the opinion that David Archuleta stole the show.

And that is all fine and good because clearly Michael Johns was the best. HE ROCKED AN ASCOT, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD.

Oh, I kid.

Only I’m not kidding about the whole Michael-Johns-was-the-best thing.

If you’d like to add your own post about this week’s AI, add a link to your specific post (not just your general URL) below. Thanks, y’all!

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  1. Michael Johns was great. You are right!

    And if everybody who reads this blog will pay me $10 each, I will rock an ascot at the San Antonio LPL.

    In the words of Boo…OH I KID.

  2. I totally agree with all of your opinions, especially Syesha. The whole time I was thinking “Why is she sitting on the piano? Is she going to jump off the piano? Wouldn’t she hit the high notes better standing?” I was very confused.

    I loved Dolly the best, can’t wait to hear her sing tomorrow night!

  3. I was scoffing at the ascot, but with Travis inches away from jumping on that wagon, I’ll probably end up wearing one to church next Sunday.

  4. Oh BooMama, I so agree on the Dolly Parton thing! Love her.

    I thought Simon was a grouch tonight. I think he hates country! And wholesomeness. And things of that nature. Anyway.

    I thought Michael Johns was brilliant tonight, but I still love David Cook to win it.

    And I just might pay $10 to see Frydaddy rock an ascot at SA LPL. While he’s singing Annie’s Song. OK? Is that too much to ask? Oh, and if I could take a picture with the legendary BooMama & FryDaddy at same said SA LPL, that would really rock. I’d so pay $10 for that.

    Just heard that Jordin Sparks has picked David Cook too. Cool!

  5. I have to agree with FryDaddy (I’d agree with anyone with Fry in his name). I thought Archeletta was the best.

    Ascot…that’s the name. I just called it a scarf, and I wasn’t really feeling it…Sammy Davis Jr. or Fred Astaire can go Ascot…not so sure it transcends into this century.

  6. Michael Johns was the best.


  7. I’m meaner than you, but my re-cap is up!

  8. I’m with you on the Dolly Parton thing. She’s great.
    And we’re together on the two “bottom” girls. Why are they still on there?!?!?!?!?

  9. *LOVED* Michael Johns tonight! We’ve already watched it three times. Love that DVR!

    My recap is up!

  10. I was like–what in the world is an ascot??? First I read it on Travis’ blog and now here. Looked it up–OH, it’s a scarf! AH. I am so very slow.

    Loved David A.! Really enjoyed Michael Johns, too.

    I have no idea who will be voted off.

  11. Ditto to your entire first paragraph.

  12. Oh my so I decided to foray into the reviewing of tonight shows…what fun! And I agree with you…Michael Johns was wonderful tonight…

  13. I am ready for Kristy Lee to go, but I think Remi-whatever her name is will go. David Cook rocks and my vote is for him!

  14. Yup, yup, yup. I’m with you on almost all points.

    I got chills several times tonight. I don’t know if it was Dolly songs that was doing it or if everyone was just at the top of their game.

  15. Thanks for helping me see that I needed to get on the AI bandwagon with my own thoughts. We’re addicted. Pathetic.

    You describe each of them so well! Hopefully I’ll get better each week…

    Great blog! Keep up the AWESOME work in all you do! Blessings!

  16. We agreed on Brooke, David C., Jason and Michael. The rest not as much. But that’s ok because we both had almost the exact same opening line about Dolly, really! I swear I wrote before I even found your page to link to. Weird! But cute!

  17. I’m with your hubby David A stole the show!

  18. Great recap!

    In my humble opionion, Should Go: Ramiele. Will Go: Syesha

    Tonight’s show was solid all the way around. Loved it! It made up for the horrible second night of the Beatles…almost.

    I still can’t get that horribleness out of my head…ick…

  19. Yikes! Late this week, but I finally blogged my third Idol review! :)

  20. I was really worried how Syesha was gonna get off that piano. I was seeing her rip her skirt or something…that ascot was rocking or should I say rockin’. Loved David Cook, can’t wait for his first CD.

  21. I’m thinking Syesha will go. But I’m ready for Kristy to leave. And she needs to quit talking back to the judges!!!

  22. So glad to hear that my friend’s brother’s friend was the favorite! My fam doesn’t actually watch, so I read your blog to keep up with AI.


  23. First of all, Michael Johns, sweet mercy….I am moving to Australia – what a song – whew!!!!!!!!

    Second, David Cook, I mean c’mon, AMAZING, better every week.

    Man, this is the best bunch EVER on A.I.!!!!!

  24. Just to let everyone know, I just read that David Cook was rushed to the hospital last night with an eratic heartbeat and high blood pressure. Evidently, his brother has been sick…

    “Cook has been very stressed out because his brother, who has been sick with cancer, had a setback within the last week. Earlier in the season, just before a performance, Cook collapsed and said he could not go on — though he pulled it together at the last minute.”

    Just thought I would let everyone know. I’ll be praying for him and his family.

  25. I wish they would make a rule that no one is allowed to sing Whitney songs on AI. It would make the world a better place.

  26. 1. If David Cook wore Michael’s ascot, I might spontaneously combust. Ascots are WAY sexy. But maybe you have to be Australian or English to pull it off.

    2. If I was 21, and not 41, I’d totally be trying to smooch Jason. LOVE the dreads. Hope they don’t smell bad. He could use Stila’s powdered hair shampoo if they do.

    3. Why does Ramiele dress like a Von Trapp child EVERY week?

    4. Very down on Kristi’s reaction to the judges. I wouldn’t let one of my boys talk to a judge (or any adult) like that.

    5. David A – go directly to Broadway and be a STAR!!

    6. Syesha is messing herself up picking the songs that the judges have said for years now (and rightly so) you CANNOT pick because no one can improve upon the version that’s been done.

    7. If I had bigger boobs and my legs weren’t so good looking, I’d wear Kristi’s dress.

  27. O.k., we love Brooke White at our house. And my husband luuurves her.

    He got a huge case of the giggles when she said, about Dolly Parton, “She’s so, small, yet so big.”

    Brooke is just so. stinking. cute.

    And my husband says he voted for her at least 50 times. Yes, he’s doing his part.

  28. Simon was nippin’ on some grumpy juice last night!

    Loved David Cook, Michael Johns, & Jason Castro!

  29. I thought David Archuleta was the best. He was Keepin It Real.

    I think Brooke needs to stop talking during the judging. Maybe she is nervous.

  30. missed it…will check the DVR tonight

  31. If you liked that arrangement of “Here You Come Again,” check out Clay Aiken’s recording of that song on iTunes… that’s the arrangement he used for it on his “A Thousand Different Ways” CD. Would have been nice if they’d given him the credit on AI, but I guess I can’t expect anything different from them. ;)

  32. Seriously… I’ve got to set a timer or something because I totally forgot it was AI night again. I’ll head over to Panera in a bit to see if I can YouTube them before they get pulled!

  33. Tiffany says:

    I agree with all your predictions!!! Im so excited for tonight!

  34. I have to agree with FryDaddy — David Archuleta rocked! He even caught my husband’s attention and he commented on his beautiful voice — this coming from a man who scoffs when I turn AI on.

    And, ummmmmmm — what was UP with all the bare feet? Eeewwww — it’s unnerving!

  35. I can’t believe you mentioned the ascot. That’s all I could talk about through his entire performance. :)

  36. Linked my post, just under the wire.

    Can’t wait for the 9 to 5 / Islands in the Stream group sing song tonight.

    Seriously, has there been a better season of contestants?!

  37. I MISSED it!! ::sniff:: I’m now reading through all your Mr. Linky AI buddies, making an attempt at getting a well-rounded idea of the goodness that was last night before the results air out here. I’m guessing I would have voted for Michael Johns… or maybe David A.?

  38. and the great thing is… you actually CAN put Jason’s song on your ipod and listen to it over and over and over… I know I will.

  39. I was just so stinkin’ excited about Dolly, singing and testifying about Jesus on AI!!!