Returning To Random With A Bang, Not A Whimper

I have a question that’s going to seem totally out of left field when I ask it, so just trust me when I tell you that there’s a method to my apparent madness.

I’m actually asking this question for someone near and dear to me, and after a week of trying to figure out how to work it into a post so it’s not quite so much of a non sequitur (LOOK, Y’ALL! LATIN!), I’m just going to throw caution to the wind and ask it.

So here we go:

Do any of you know Kate Spade or know how to get in touch with Kate Spade?

See? I told you. Seems totally random, doesn’t it? I might as well have asked if anyone out there has Oprah’s home phone number (and LORD HAVE MERCY, if you do, WHY HAVEN’T YOU SHARED THAT NUGGET-O-INFORMATION-GOLD WITH ME?).

Anyway, email me if you happen to have any Kate Spade info…because if you do know how to get in touch with her, she would probably appreciate it if you didn’t leave her contact information in a crazy blogger woman’s comments on the interweb.

And if you know someone who might know someone who knows, email me with that info, too, because I really can’t think of anything Kate Spade would enjoy more than knowing that a stranger in Alabama is requesting information about her for another stranger, and if need be both strangers will contact all manner of friends of friends and third cousins twice removed in hopes of tracking her down, NOT THAT IT MAKES US STALKERS OR ANYTHING.

That is all.

Oh! Except if you don’t know anything about how to get in touch with Kate Spade but you have had a real-life encounter with some other famous (or semi-famous) person, then please tell us all about it in the comments because I for one think that would be terribly entertaining (and yes, real-life friends, I asked this question about a year ago when y’all were the only ones reading, so feel free to repeat yourself if you so desire).

Here’s mine: I once saw Amy Grant in a grocery store in Nashville. She was wearing yellow Ray-Ban Wayfarers.

You may now commence with the “oooh”-ing and the “aaah”-ing.

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  1. Sorry, I have no connection to Kate Spade. I did run into (literally, RAN into) Willie Nelson at Mama’s Fishhouse in Hawaii one time.

    BTW, I’m honored to be the first to comment! You are somewhat of a celebrity in blogland — I see your name all over! I’m glad I stopped by, as I can see why — you have a GREAT place here!

  2. Let’s see…I’ve served a hot dog to Huey Lewis and a salad to Winona Ryder. What can I say, my youth group used to run concession stands at the Marin County Fair, north of San Francisco. Home to a lot of celebs, actually. Huey was super nice, and Winona had only done the movie “Lucas” at that time, so we wasn’t all big and famous yet.

  3. First, let me begin with “I have no idea how to get a hold of Kate Spade”. I do know that she is a designer of hand bags. There, that’s it…the total sum of the information that I know about Kate Spade. Now on to the really fun part…

    Well, I have a brother in the entertainment industry so I have many encounters with “famous” people. In fact, he used to be on a soap opera (so was his wife) and has been in several movies (also wrote the screenplay for “Paparazzi”). My favorite story is that Eric Close (on Without a Trace) gave me a good-bye kiss at my brother’s wedding :) Now that I’ve regained my composure, I have also talked to Peter Frampton on the phone, scratched lottery tickets with Alice Cooper & Steve Stone (announcer for the Chicago Cubs), interviewed (and had a photo taken with)Clint Black backstage at one of his concerts, went to a party with Ed Asner (Lou Grant) who was dating a high school classmate’s mother at the time, (are you bored yet?) and saw Virginia Madson at “Camp Snoopy” at the Mall of America. There are many more but I don’t want to seem braggy… All this from a small-town gal from Iowa! :)

  4. I don’t know how to get in touch with Kate Spade. Maybe you could go to David Spade’s blog on Comedy Central and leave him a message. I don’t know if he ever really reads his msgs personally but it would be worth a shot.

    I do, however, have a couple of celebrity run-ins. I celebrated my 21st b-day with Paula Abdul thanks to my former employer (Universal Cheerleaders Association) and I also met Cris Judd (JLO’s former husband) at the same event (before he was famous.) And I saw Vince and Amy at the UCA nationals when his daughter was competing. And, lastly, I met Pauly Shore at Planet Hollywood in Dallas.

    I thought I was the first commenter. Shoot! Have a good day!

  5. I can’t get in touch with Kate. I wonder if Kevin Bacon…..:-)

    I have 5 real-life encounters with semi-famous and famous people:

    1. We sat next to Ivander Holifield on the plane during our honeymoon trip home on Christmas Eve 2000. He wan’t very friendly for it to be Christmas Eve.

    2. In my 20s I saw a play (local community theatre) that had “Bo Brady” from Days of Our Lives starring in it. I have a picture of this one. It has me, him and a couple of friends. My 75 year old landlady went with us and I thought she’d never let go of his arm!

    3. I got to go to the Master’s one time and saw cutie Phil Mickelson for the second week in a row (I saw him at the BellSouth Classic the week before). We also saw Emmitt Smith that day. And all of those other golfers :-) Ah, to be child-free and have that kind of time and money again. Actually, I wouldn’t trade it.

    4. Today I saw the Georgia Tech football coach in a hospital parking lot when I took my daughter to the eye doctor (I guess he’s semi-famous).

    5. We saw Hines Ward (the MVP superbowl last year) in a Baby Store in Atlanta about 3 1/2 years ago. He did not want to be there, but his wife looked like they were delivering any day.

    Do you detect a sports theme here?

  6. David Spade is Kate’s brother-in-law, btw. And, I remembered one more. Remember Boyz II Men??? We chased them down after a concert when I was in HS and got their autographs. We thought we were soooo cool! Ah.. those were the days!

  7. Toni's friend Elise says:

    Many moons ago, I was a low-to-non-paid film intern in Austin and worked on a straight-to-video romantic comedy called “Hard Promises”, starring Sissy Spacek, William Petersen (he goes by “Billy” in real life) and Mare Winningham. Sissy and I briefly discussed our respective East Texas upbringings, and Mare signed my script. All three struck me as genuine, cool people.

  8. Dee Anne says:

    I met Elton John about 20 years ago at the Ralph Lauren store on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills. (We were on vacation, not actually shopping there!) He was kind enough to give me his autograph and even asked how to spell my name. My husband was quick and got a picture of the autograph exchange. I just love to tell that story…thanks for asking!!

  9. I have a Kate Spade purse, but for some reason she did not leave her number in it…go figure. But I did stay at a Holiday Inn one night =)

  10. I’m guessing the best you can probably do on this one is get in touch with her publicist. Just a guess. I once saw Jackee Joyner Kersey at a Target. And I have had various and sundry encounters with many a St. Louis weatherman.

  11. I saw Burt Reynolds, Kris Kristofferson, Burt Convey, Jill Clayburgh and Brian Dennehey when I snuck onto an estate where they were filming Semi Tough in the 70s. Half my back even made it into the movie.

    As we speak, there is an autographed photo of Burt Reynolds hanging on my bedroom wall.

  12. When I was in high school I was able to see Kurt Russell, Meryl Streep and Cher while they were in our town for a couple of days working on a movie. Kurt was the nicest guy. He would come over and talk to the few of us that were there watching and when he wasn’t working he would joke and pose for pictures and was so genuinely sweet. Cher was very down to earth and nice as well….Meryl didn’t speak to anyone that I was aware of and didn’t even look in our direction.

  13. I must be out of it. I have no idea who Kate Spade is, nor do I care. HEHEHE. Anyway, I do have to add to your list of famous encounters. Mine is kind of not so famous anymore. Here goes. You can all ooh and ahh and then go “who the heck is that?”

    Ok, when I was about 10 years old, we went to this church and Dez Dickerson and his wife and kid attended there. If you don’t know who Dez Dickerson is, he’s the guy who sings in that song with Prince “We’re gonna party like its 1999”. He is the one with the deep voice, but I believe he was actually a drummer for Prince for awhile. Anyway, my brother mowed his lawn. I went in his house once and he had all this Prince memorbilia. He had Purple Rain bandanas. But funny enough, he was just an average, likeable guy who had turned his life over to the Lord. I once got to pick up his dog’s doo doo. What an honor! They ended up moving to Tennessee and I don’t know whatever happened of them. I think his kid has his own band now or something.

    Another time, I got to see Sinbad. He was filming that stupid movie about Christmas in St. Paul, MN. I didn’t get to meet him, but he looked even shorter from 2 blocks away! My sister in law was with me and she yelled “Hey Sinbad, its my birthday. I love you”. Oh boy. I was pretty embarressed.

    Thats all for now!


  14. …actually her number is 1-866-999-KATE… who knew it’d be this easy?!

    Cheeky girl – I know ;o)

  15. hmm. let’s see. i saw the backstreet boys at a highway rest stop – in germany. my husband’s aunt’s cousin is the chef for julie andrews. that’s right. she cooks for mary poppins!! do you think she adds a spoonful of sugar to everything?

    kate spade? haven’t talked to her since we had that big… you know… tiff last year.

  16. Judy S. says:

    I had no idea who Kate Spade is so I had to Google her. (Gasp!)
    I saw Henry Winkler last summer in Bozeman, Montana. My daughter and I actually would have walked right past him if another man hadn’t said, “Hello Mr. Winkler!” We just stood there and gawked — stupidly.
    I saw Bob Hope in a hotel in Indianapolis about 14 years ago.
    And now for the best: I also met Beth Moore and had my picture taken with her when she spoke in Singapore in 2000. Oooo!

  17. Ok, you will be amazed at what you can accomplish online, I would go to her website, find her contact information. And CALL HER! or Email. There may be a round about way of reaching her. I have been writing an EZine these past couple of months, and have interviewed a couple of authors, my third is my biggest, Karen Bussen, Event Planner, author of about 4 books. May I ask WHY you are looking to speak personally with the maker of fabulous purses and shoes?? Is it because you heard I want one of her outrageously priced diaper bags, and you are going to wrangle me one for free?? How sweet!
    As for celeb encounters, I met Richard Muligan when I was about 8, You may remember him from the TV show empty nest. My Mom roomed with Laura Ingalls Wilders great Granddaughter in the hospital. I have seen very closely Micheal Jordan, and Chuck Norris. And have talked to several hockey players from the Dallas Stars!! Oh, and I waited on one of the guys from ZZ Top, and Joey Fatone from Insync at a mall in Orlando!! I have a ton of Christian Celeb (Music Artist)experiences, but that could take forever!

  18. If you would answer your home phone, I’d tell you.

  19. Tammy H says:

    Oh – I so live in the south. Not a lot of Hollywood celebrities strolling the streets of Birmingham. Actually, Will Ferrell was here filming Talladega Nights, but I didn’t see him either (just heard about it on the radio – so sad). I don’t know if this counts, but I did watch Bo Jackson (Bo knows Bo) play PacMan at the A&P grocery store in Auburn when I was little. He had the high score and just entered “BO”. Now I know you’re impressed…….. :)

  20. Oh, how could I forget meeting Paige and Micheal from Extreme Makeover Home Edition?? I got their pics and autographs when they were working on a house here in Florida!

  21. Don’t have Kate’s number. If you are ever in Beverly Hills and you want to see “stars”, go to Mastro’s Steakhouse. I have been twice in the last 3 years. The first time we sat next to Drew Barrymore and the last time we saw Tom Cruise. The concierge at the hotel said that Mastro’s is a celebrity hot spot.

  22. I do have two lovely Kate Spade bags…but that’s as much info as I have on her.

    But I have some great stories…

    Two April’s ago I saw Tom Green at the Hard Rock Cafe in London. My sister-in-law and I were trying to be really cool and not gawk, so we took pictures of ourselves next to the lovely U-2 memorabilia he was standing next to. We ‘accidentally’ got pics of him, as well.

    When I was visiting my aunt in Beverly Hills (she worked as a personal assistant to Sylvester Stallone) she took me around to some hot spots. We went into one bakery where, while we were standing in line, Cher came bursting in and begged to go to the front of the line. She paid for her (yummy chocolate chip cookies) stuff and then handed the cashier a fifty, saying she’d buy our stuff (there were four of us in the line) too.

    A few days later we were rounding a corner when we literally ran into Sharon Stone. Actually, she ran into us. You know when your mom told you if you couldn’t say anything nice about someone then don’t say anything at all? I’ll just leave it at that.

    I have lots more stories…but I won’t hijack your comments any longer. Looking forward to reading other comments!


  23. I was in line behind Julie from the very first season of The Real World (MTV) @ Bruno’s by the Galleria in Birmingham, that was about 10 years ago.

    My husband sat in the row across from Gene Stallings on a plane. Can I get a ROLL TIDE??!!

  24. My husband and I met George W. Bush back when he was governor of Texas. We even have a picture of Jack and then-governor Bush.

    I talked to Louie Giglio in a Christian bookstore way back when when he was leading a large Bible study I attended. (I think he recognized me!)

    I had some college classes with Billy Graham’s grandson. (He is really tall and was always so nice.)

    At camp after my senior year in high school, Stephen Curtis Chapman came over to my friend and me and talked to us at dinner!

  25. Don’t know how to get in touch with Kate Spade.

    I have filled prescriptions for Elton John and for Kenny Rogers in the past.

    My cousin is married to Brian Littrel (former Back Street Boy and now solo Christian artist).

  26. Hmmm….let’s see. You mentioned Amy Grant. I grew up in Nashville and my sister and I went to her wedding – her first one. It was beautiful! I’ll never forget the church and I actually ended up getting married in that same church years later.

    I also used to date Brad Pitt’s brother when I was in college. Even met Brad, but that was before he was a superstar!

  27. Well, I have to admit I am ready to dial the handy number left in your comments! Who DOESN’T love her bags?!?! Now, I hope you will tell us WHY you want to know this.

    These do NOT seem as exciting as the Brad Pitt comment before me! Goodness!

    Well, I have not had too many sightings myself, but my Brother-in-law is a Congressman, and his daughter has been held by George W. Bush so many times! I have the picture on my fridge. I will be at the First LAdies Luncheon in May, so I’ll let you know if I get to meet Laura. :)

    My hubby got to meet Jake Gyllenhal (pre-brokeback mountain) and has a nice photo of him.

    This is fun! I love your blog, thanks for my daily dose of laughter and fun!

  28. ummm about as close as I have gotten to Kate Spade is some faux Kate Spade purses I have had.

    Let’s see, for close encounters of the celebrity kind – my 8 yr old daughter still loves to tell everyone this one. About two years ago we were in Memphis. I was there were for a work conference and had the opportunity to take my Mom and girls with me. We were there right as Memphis in May started and there were lots of musicians in town. We were visiting the Peabody and I went into Lansky’s Clothing. Mr Lansky was the personal tailor to Elvis and has some interesting photos and memorabilia in his store as well as some unique clothing. I thought I might take a shirt home to my boyfriend / now husband.

    I was looking at men’s shirts and two guys were in there looking at really wild hats. We were the only three in there. One of them came over to the rack I was at and asked me “do you see anything you like?” and I said (very innocently) “yeah a few things” and then proceeded to keep looking. When I left the store there was a throng of young ladies (much younger than me) flashing camera phones and calling friends. They were all going crazy because the guy that spoke to me was Gavin DeGraw….I said “Gavin who”…We primarily listened to contemporary christian and I didn’t have a clue. One girl said “he spoke to you and you don’t even know he is!!!”

    Guilty as charged….I may have missed my moment with Gavin somebody and never knew it! ha ha

  29. Everyday Mom: Just non-chalant like that…I met Brad Pitt and dated his brother.

    Well, I walked right by Richard Simmons in the airport. He had a couple of bodyguards with him and was wearing his short-shorts and tank top. This was after his hey-day, and I think he seemed disappointed no one was asking for his autograph.

  30. Chris met some rapping big-wig in an airport and got him to autograph his water bottle, but since I can’t stand rap, I wasn’t that impressed. But he does have Clif Young’s (of Caedmon’s Call) phone number on speed dial, so that makes up for it.

    I, on the other hand, have had Al Denson throw a (live) chicken at me, am good friends with Billy Ray Cyrus’ second cousin (does that even count?), and am good friends with Lisa Whelchel.

    But most importantly, I know your real name. And we’re friends. And that’s almost as good as dating Brad Pitt’s brother. Almost. :)

  31. And yes, I realize both Al Denson and Billy Ray Cyrus are past news, but it’s the best I’ve got.

  32. I had to get in on the celeb stuff because I’m from a teeny tiny town in teeny tiny nova scotia (that’s in canada in case you forgot) and celebs don’t frequent here although Bruce and Demi had a summer home some years ago in Lockport but I never saw them. I did almost meet Jim carrey once but we just missed him. However, we did get a tour of his private jet before he got back from Lunenburg shooting a movie. (I can’t remember which one) I gave his flight attendant a note complete with my address and he kindly sent me an autographed 8×10. Prized posession for me at the time since I was like 19 or 20. Ok so far I haven’t actually met any famous people…but hold on.

    I have however met in person Elvis Stojko who is quite the canadian figure skating legend. And briefly met Jordan from New Kids On The Block a couple of years ago when he was staying at the same hotel in Toronto that my friend’s wedding was held at. (phew, long sentence)

    Well, this comment was WAY longer than I thought it would be. sheesh.

    I’ve never heard of Kate Spade so I will stop taking up all your interweb space now.

  33. Everybody in Central Texas KNOWS Boo wants her phone number so Katie can make her a matching purse for her Geico shoes (note the gecko on the side). I think Geico should pay for the purse–advertising and all.

    In junior high in the Azores (Lajes AFB), I got to shake hands with Hubert Humphrey, who was Vice President at the time. Didn’t wash my hand for a while….

  34. Ok, I’m so out of the loop. The closest I came was when Cuba Gooding jr. was here shooting that diving movie with Robert DeNiro RIGHT ACROSS THE RIVER FROM WHERE I LIVE! Just the thought that they were somewhere in the vicinity was thrilling. I’m just pathetic aren’t I?

  35. If I ever saw a real celebrity I’d fall out. I fall out to see our local news people out in public ;) It doesnt take much for me believe me LOL. xoxo melzie

  36. I have Kate Spade glasses. They’re nice! :)
    So, what? You think you’ll just call her and ask her to send you a complimentary bag or something so that you can review it for your blog? Maybe she’ll send a few and you can have another contest! :) I hope you’re successful in this endeavor!

    As for my celebrity encounters….I was a “ball kid” at the GTE/RCA Tennis Tournament in Indianapolis and got to be on court, serving, all the male greats at the time (Boris Becker, Andre Agassi, David Wheaton, Pete Sampras, Jimmy Connors…). It seems like forever ago which means I’m long overdue for another star encounter. But, for the juicy gossip, Boris Becker does not wear anything under his tight white shorts. Just in case you were wondering.

  37. I know not Kate Spade, but my stuffed cow named Moolly met and had her photo taken with Gillian Anderson of “The X-Files” fame and also Shane Battier of Duke and now the Houston Rockets. So, if you’re keeping track, that’s Moolly the Stuffed Cow – 2, Southern Girl – 0. :(

  38. Hmmm, well, the church my husband pastored in 1995 had a movie filmed on the property about Ruby Ridge, and we ate with the catering truck…met Laura Dern and Rizzo from MASH.

    Met Greg Evigan from BJ And the Bear when I was 11 and got a kiss.

    And every Christian concert we go to, I send my husband to the bathroom…he’s met Bryan Duncan, Randy Matthews, Randy Stonehill, and a few others that way:=)

  39. I sat in the table across from Robert Downing, Jr. and his son at a tiny little restaurant one morning while at the Tybee Island near Savannah. Of course, I was like 11 at the time, so the pancakes and homemade biscuits had my attention more so than Mr. Downing.

    And! I was an extra in the movie “Now and Then” (with Demi Moore about 12 years ago) and met Christina Ricci. It was a thrilling moment let me tell you…you know, with my film debut and all. If you ever watch it, I am in the scene when the girls are throwing water balloons at the boys. That would be me in the background (very far left corner) jumping rope. It was a glorious 30 seconds of fame :)

    Have a great night!

  40. When I was in my late teens, I worked at the “nice” hotel in town as a hostess for the restaurant and our town was going through a spurt of movie and tv filming. That summer, I met Johnny Depp, Kirsty Alley, Amy Brennaman and Kathy Najimy. (George Clooney and more were around too but never saw them. Darn.)

    Johnny Depp and I had this long ‘ol conversation one night at the restaurant (He is SOOO like his character in Pirates) and I ran into him later in the week in the hotel suite halls running down the hall with a Captain Jack grin on his face…buck nekkid, holding a hand towel all dainty like to his lower half. He curtsied, laughed and switched the towel as he passed to his back side. I think he’d been drinking. It’s all I could come up with as to why he’d be doing this in broad daylight.

    And I don’t know Kate Spade, but boy do I know her work. I love me some Kate Spade, but alas, my Target budget doesn’t fit her pricey pieces of art.

  41. I can’t believe all the famous people! I’ve never met anyone famous…but I did get get a manicure next to Jason Hervey (Fred Savage’s brother on the Wonder Years). Wow-wee. Pretty cool, huh?!

  42. I helped cater a fund raiser at Paris Hilton’s house in the Hamptons a few years ago. We talked and she was very down to earth.

    I was seated at my friend’s wedding reception with Jimmy Smits from LA Law. We sat next to each other and I told him that he had a cute butt.

    I ran into Howard Stern in town. He was walking with his girlfriend, but I don’t like him so I just walked away.

    As for Kate Spade, sorry I don’t know how to contact her.

  43. Don’t know anything about Kate Spade. I sat right next to Ian Evans–lead guitarist for Lynyrd Skynrd during dinner-this past year at a Christmas party. His daughter is married to our friend’s son. That’s about it–other than having my picture with Lisa Welchel and Carman.

  44. From one southern girl to another, I too, know your real name and therefore feel like I know a celebrity… at least in this bloggy world!

    I wrote about my celebrity encounters several months back…here’s the link… I washed my LIPS with some HOT HOT WATER!

  45. I have a good one for you Southerners…my cousin took care of the Petty’s horses (Kyle and Patty) and he lived on their farm. They weren’t home but he took me to Petty Enterprises and I met Richard Petty and shook his hand! My 4 year old (who was 1 at the time) shook his hand also. Now that “CARS” is such a big deal and Richard is “The King” Charlie thinks he’s pretty cool! Oh, and Montgomery Petty came to my house once!

  46. I live in a town near where the entire group Alabama lives. Before I had my baby I worked at the cell phone company where they all had cell service and so I know them all quite well, as well as most of their families. I was their Go-TO girl for problems with service, and the way they traveled, there were many! Also, Randy Owen’s wife, Kelly, once sent me flowers for helping them when they were in a real bind…..but I don’t know Kate Spade. Sorry!

  47. When i was about 12 I met and shook hands with Miss America Vonda Kay VanDike. Was so star struck and forgot to get her autograph!
    But my favorite famous person was meeting and shaking hands with Dale Evans Rogers, she was speaking at a Sunday school convention!

  48. I know a sidewalk in New York City where you can buy “Kate’s” bags. Maybe one of those guys selling them has her number??!:)

    My celebrity encounter was in 1998-when I liked this person more than I do now. I was on a trip to NYC with my Mom and Sister. We got last minute tickets to the Rosie O’Donnell Show. ( My sister LOVED her.) We stood in line starting at 6 AM-after I had only gotten to our hotel room at 3 AM due to a delayed flight-and I was 4 months pregnant. I don’t remember a whole lot of the actual show, I was so tired. But afterwards, Rosie would have her picture made with only children who were in the audience. We befriended a 10 year old girl and her Mom who did not have a camera. My sister offered to stay with them and take the girls picture with Rosie. While my sister was waiting, she just cried and cried because she couldn’t believe she was that close to Rosie. Rosie noticed and started talking to the 3 of us. She touched my tummy and told me Congratulations. She asked how we got our tickets and when she heard our whole story, she gave us free tickets to see the Broadway show Chicago. That was definitely a memorable trip to NYC.

  49. I went to school in Texas when I was a freshman (I’m from NC). I was flying home, and was standing in line at DFW. Everyone around me kept nodding to this man, and saying “Hi Coach.” I had no idea what was going on. So when I got to the desk (this was before e-tickets), I asked the clerk. She was an older lady, and very soft spoken. I could hardly hear her. apparently she said “That’s Mr. Landry.” I had no idea what she was talking about, so she said “Tom Landry, the Dallas Cowboy’s football coach.” I was flying home for my uncle’s wedding, and he was a HUGE Cowboys coach. He was soooo mad that I didn’t get Landry’s autograph. But he was on my plane!

  50. Celebrities–Tennessee is full of the greats and near greats!
    My son was friends with James Denton’s (of Desperate Housewives) brother when they were in high school–and my husband worked with the Denton brothers mom.

    And then there’s always the country music connection–
    I have sat on the stage at the Grand Ole Opry several times–a friend was in the band for years. We had opportunity to see several entertainers up close and almost personal–the likes of George Jones, Lorrie Morgan (when she was dating Troy Akeman–he was with her), Little Jimmy Dickens(flew on the same plane with him one time, too), Porter Waggoner, etc.

    Saw Johnny Cash and June Carter at the motofoto many years ago. You know, the little booth in the parking lot where you could take film to be developed. Now there’s a concept! The girl in the booth assured us that the Cashes took way more pictures of their baby boy than we did of ours.

    I taught the daughter of a country music star in third grade. I can’t mention the name, but that whole family was wonderful! I enjoyed knowing and working with them.

    My husband has also worked with some people whose names would probably be very familiar to you. I have tagged along with him and had the true blessing of knowing some of them.

    Don’t you just hate it when someone name drops without using the nsme?!

  51. Lea Margaret says:

    I shopped with Lisa Marie Presley in a jewelry store on Magazine Street in New Orleans about 5 years ago. She bought a big ole vintage ring and her assistant carried her credit card. I told her how good looking (looked like it came out of a bubble gum machine) it was and she just kind of looked at me. Nicholas Cage was out side with the body guards and he came in to see what we were doing. His hair was about 3 different colors and it looked fried. Chris (who was my boy friend at the time-we were in town for Martha Scott’s wedding)just stood outside and shook his head.

  52. I used to work in a scrapbook store near the home town of the guys in MercyMe. Their wives would come in and shop and scrap occasionally. I helped Bart’s mom do a page and entertained Jim Bryson’s little boy while he picked up stuff for his wife. He mentioned that they were looking for a nanny and the store owner yelled down “she used to be a nanny before she moved to Texas!” I was so embarrassed. He asked if they could contact me about it but I told him I wasn’t interested. :gasp!:

  53. no Kate Spade info. Sorry.

    But you just gave me an idea for tonight’s post- my Emeril encounter.

  54. OK, kinda late to the party on this one. But! But! I have so many encounters to share!

    Let’s see…should I start with the time that I might have possibly made out with Richard Lewis’ (John Boy) then 16 year old son while I was babysitting his (John Boy’s) triplets?

    Or the time that Jon Lithgow complained about the quality of service at the restaurant that I worked at?

    Or the time I got my picture taken with Amy Grant, big hair bow (mine) and all?

    Or the time Judd Nelson tried to pick me up in a convenience store parking lot when I was 18?

    I might live in podunk Montana but apparently, podunk attracts them stars!

  55. Do any of the New Kids on the Block count? I know back in 1989, it would’ve been relevant, but now…

    Nevermind, just answered my own question.

  56. Fun! A friend of a friend works in a Kate Spade store, but that’s all I got. My hubby and I sat one table away from Justin Timberlake and Cameron Diaz once. It was VERY exciting. She is gorgeous in person. We also saw Jeremy Piven in a J Crew. I saw Katie Holmes, also gorgeous in person, and her ex-fiance walking to a Broadway show. And a few months ago I met Jeff Foxworthy, who told me I had the prettiest baby he’d ever seen. Too pretty to be a boy, in fact. So I’m a big fan now.

  57. I met LaVar Burton on an airplane (He is very tall and well built in person–or at least he was 12 years ago. Well built I mean. I don’t suppose his height has changed, unless he’s got the osteoperosis.)

    And Carl Malone used to come often to the restaurant where I worked in Salt Lake City. Someone had to explain to me who he was, though, so it wasn’t super exciting for me. Della Reese came in once, and she was SO MUCH FUN.

    And I sat behind–Something Brimley? That old guy that was on the oatmeal commercials?–on an airplane once. He was wearing cowboy boots, outside his blue jeans.

    And my husband once escorted Cyndi Lauper to her airplane, when he worked at the airport.

    Oh! And I saw Troy Aikman and Lori Morgan on a date at On the Border, back when they were dating like 15 years ago?

  58. I met Regis about 12 years ago when my husband and I went to the show. I got my picture taken with him and he patted my 7 month pregnant belly and called me, “Big Mama”!!!

  59. Love this post!

    I met the country group Brooks & Dunn and Trisha Yearwood when I worked at a fireworks store growing up in backwoods (rural) Tennessee.

    My hubs & I met Fred Dryer (80’s show Hunter – at a seafood restaurant in San Diego.

    That’s my celeb stories!

    :) Stephanie M.

  60. Also late to the party … can’t help with Kate Spade, sorry!!, but couldn’t pass up the celebrity sightings.

    I am on the cover of a Jerry Reed album (who? :-) country singer ~ also in the Smokey & the Bandit movies). We lived in Nashville and he asked a group of kids playing in a park to be on the album.

    Had my picture taken with Steve Lundquist and Rowdy Gaines (Olympic swimmers) when I was working at Penney’s.

    A couple of celebrity sightings on the streets of Atlanta: Robert Goulet (in town doing Camelot) and Emilio Estevez (filming a movie … I stopped dead in my tracks staring and a woman working on the film just cracked up!).

    I was on Jeopardy!, so I met Alex Trebek.

    This was fun ~ thanks ~ enjoyed reading everyone’s stories. Love your blog boomama!!

  61. I had to Google Kate to find out who she is…sorry can’t help you there.

    BUT, my husband’s (follow closely) father’s, brother’s wife’s neice (by marriage) is Natasha Hensridge.

    I hosted a meet n greet with Marc Ekins, an up and coming Canadian country star.

    Oh and John Stamos and I are married—well a girl can dream can’t she?

  62. Hmm. I haven’t had any personal encounters with the rich and famous, but I was there when my sister pumped gas for Charlie Rich at my dad’s service station. I wasn’t there when my mother-in-law used to babysit Tim McGraw, but how cool is that?

  63. I could probably get you in touch with “Kate Sade”–her name is on my designer bag from Canal Street in NYC.

  64. Well, you already know that I’m BFF with Charlie and Emily Robison.

    As far as Kate Spade, I happen to know some Vietnamese women who sell a lot of bags with her name on them. I’m sure they have her number and are close, personal friends. I’ll ask them for you.

  65. Oh, oh, oh! I forgot to mention that I babysat for REO Speedwagon’s children (all of them) when I was about 11. The band members were friends with our neighbors and had my babysit when they all went out together. Why they thought it was a good idea to leave 6 kids with an 11 year old is beyond me.

    And this is SUCH FUN reading everybody’s encounters!

  66. I got ya’ll all beat…I met the Fat Boys in an Atlanta convenience store. You know, “the Fat Boys are back, and you know they can never be whack”. It changed my life. Really.

  67. I met CeCe Winans once, and Girls she has the prettiest skin and face I have ever seen! I told her so, and she thanked me. I love to jam to her “Anybody wanna pray with me.” she signed my cassette…that tell you how long ago it was :)
    Hope you find Kate!

    In His Joy,

  68. I met Paula Deen in Dallas. My 3 year old asked her where Michael was and she just died laughing and said he had gone back home that morning and that she just had to give my little one a hug. She was so nice. I’m jealous that you’ve been to her restaraunt!

  69. Oh, one more! We lived in a small East Texas town with George Foreman and got Border Collie puppies at the same time. He was riding on a little Motor Scooter with a straw Hat and overalls…we smiled and said,”Hi!” He told us he was getting the best dog :)

    In His Joy,

  70. When I was in my mid-twenties, I was working in the children’s dept. of a fairly nice (for my area) store. This woman and two older kids came into my area and one of my co-workers started squealing.

    It was Jessica Lange and two of her kids.

    My co-workers were all too nervous to help her, so I did, and ran her credit card. I hate it when people get all googly-eyed over celebrities, but Rob Roy *is* one of my favorite movies and I told her so (It wasn’t even her most recent movie at that time). She got all embaressed, like she just realized I actually knew who she was.

    And the one kid totally looked like Mikhail Baryshnikov.

    Oh, and I met Tom Arnold at the Mall of America. He was nice, but I really had no idea who he was (my boyfriend recognized him).

  71. Hmmm, I’ve been stalking Kate for years but sadly she has changed her phone number since that whole restraining order nonsense.

    I saw Amy Grant and Vince Gill at church Sunday. She looked amazing!

    When I was 12 Sinbad (the really tall comedian) ran over me on a side walk in Chicago which was totally fun times.

    Oh, and I know Paula Deen. I’ve known her for years but I did not even think of her until I read someone mention her in the comments. I always forget she’s famous!

  72. Rocks in my Dryer says:

    My husband’s step second cousin is (was) John Denver.

    And when I was around 10 or 11, Chelsea Clinton (then the preschool daughter of the Arkansas governor) took a nap in my bed. She and her parents were in my little town campaigning, and they needed a place to let her rest. While she was in there she ruined my favorite stuffed toy by dunking it in my Barbie swimming pool. I’ve been voting Republican ever since. ;)

    And last but certainly not least, I know the real full name of BooMama.

  73. I don’t know how urgent your need is, but I’ve had good luck contacting people through publishers. Ms. Spade has been published by Simon & Schuster, so I’d send a letter to her in care of them. It can take several weeks to get a reply, but I’ve always had a reply, usually from the person him- or herself.

    One of my favorite gifts to give is a card from someone admired by the recipient. For instance, my mother-in-law was inspired by Vonnette Zachary Bright, so I sent a brief note with a blank, self-addressed card to Mrs. Bright’s publisher and received a beautiful handwritten birthday greeting which I gave my mother-in-law. I’ve given gifts like this from Margaret Thatcher, Colin Powell, James Dobson, Bill & Gloria Gaither, Bill Cosby, Vestal Goodman, Loretta Lynn, Maya Angelou, Corrie Ten Boom, Elizabeth Elliot, Dino and Tom T. Hall.

    In person, I’ve met Julie Andrews, Carol Burnett, Deborah Gibson, Chris Botti, Richard Sherman, Harvey Fierstein, Sean O’Grady, Maynard Ferguson, Carman, Sheila Walsh, B.J. Thomas, Reba Rambo, Yolanda Kondonassis, Susan Lucci, Rosie O’Donnell, Matthew Broderick, Cal Thomas, William Bennett, General Thomas Stafford, General Norman Schwarzkopf, Phil Driscoll, Woody Herman, Harry Connick, Jr., Elizabeth Taylor, Steve Green, Dale Robertson, Rex Linn, and Gary Hall, Sr.

  74. Phyllis R. says:

    Love Kate Spade and her handbags, but I don’t know how to get in touch with her. I wonder if you could call her flagship store (I’m guessing it’s the one in NYC) and ask for the manager and see if they could direct to her or her “people”. Hope you find a way.

    I love the little canvas posts you do! It’s so fun to see who all people have met. Let’s see I’ve met: Farrah Fawcett. Her sweet daddy worked in the same Houston bank building I did and he brought her in to meet all of us. This was in her heyday in the late 70s and she was of course, gorgeous, but also very sweet.

    I’ve also met Oprah. I went to a taping of her show last year and she came over and shook my hand and said “hey” and some other stuff but I was so star-struck that I don’t remember what else she said! She’s beautiful. Has the most amazing eyes and skin.

    The neatest star (even better than Oprah) that I’ve met was: Gregory Peck – my favorite actor of all time. Atticus Finch!! One of the greatest characters ever in a book or a movie. We were in Paris, having adult beverages at the Ritz Hotel, and he and his wife walk in. We see him and I hated to bother him but IT’S GREGORY PECK AND WHEN AM I EVER GOING TO SEE HIM AGAIN? (Plus, it needed to happen for this blog. right?!) He was THE NICEST man. His voice was sooooo Atticus, all deep and lovely.

    Loved this post!

  75. Phyllis R. says:

    Oh, and one more. I met Martha Stewart (in a Williams Sonoma, NOT in prison.) We actually talked for quite a while. Well, she talked, I listened. She was actually really nice. Really!

    And last, but not least, I’ve met Beth Moore and I loved her more than any of the others. She was the warmest person. She was all, “You darling thang.” She is what I want to be when I grow up.

  76. Other than occasionally strolling by her shop here, I’ve had no personal interaction with Ms. Spade. However: I just know that someone reading your message is going to steer you in the right direction. Can’t wait to hear the story behind the request!

    Well, now I can say that I know someone who dated Brad Pitt’s brother AND I’m very good friends with Charlie and Emily Robison’s BFF. Less impressively, but more honestly:

    I’ve been to the Oprah show twice, once by invitation. (Hmm: future blog fodder.) Separately, saw her boyfriend, Stedman, at O’Hare once and said hello.

    Met Lyle Lovett twice and was a mushy-mouthed fool both times. I think I was transfixed by his hair.

    I was once on the receiving end of an angry phone call from our current president, back before he was in politics. I confess that I am still a little bitter about this. However, I met his wife and babysat the girls once at a church function, and they were lovely.

    When we were living in a hovel near downtown Houston shortly after graduating from college, they filmed “Reality Bites” two doors down from us. In between filming scenes and making out with her scuzzy boyfriend, Winona Ryder made nice with our beagle.

    That’s my oddly diverse little list. Love reading what others have to say!

  77. I had to Google who Kate Spade was (I’m an uncultured English lass from the grim North). All the celebrities I’ve met are C list English ones that you would never have heard of – Julian Cope, Bobby Ball…my Dad had a pee next to Tommy Cooper in some mens toilets in London…but I don’t think Tommy Cooper was ever famous in the US either, and he’s dead now.

    I’m no use :)

  78. Oh yes – I used to get the school bus with…oh grrr I’ve forgotten her name, it’ll come back to me.

  79. Aunt Nette says:

    After 9-11 I worked at a local airport. Tracy Byrd would arrive about 45 minutes before his fight. He gave me an autograph for my cousin Brian. When I lived in my second apartment my mother came by one day so we could go to lunch. Tracy had his front door open to his apartment. I told her that was Tracy Byrd and that he was dreaming of being a country star.
    Also at my first real job after HS I was working the drive thru of the local McDonalds in Wichita. Summer of ’82 I think. And I met George Brett. The KC baseball player

  80. When I was in college, I took one of my little sister’s babysitting gigs for her. Her friends always went out with Frank Beard, the drummer of ZZ Top (the one without the beard), and shared a sitter. I was in his house, but I think that I only saw his wife.

    Also one college summer when I was a waitress, I waited on Tom Delay. That was back when he was just a representative to our little district in Texas, not a . . . well, whatever he is now.

  81. I met Tom Jones back stage at his concert. I had won tickets and took my mom, who LOVED him. In a stalkerish kind of way. She had her picture taken with him. And treasured it.

    And if that wasn’t exciting enough, I use to play poker with Brad Pitt (before Thelma & Louise came out). After that, penny ante poker was just too rich for his blood. He was a really nice guy.

  82. i have met Mike Tyson, and that chick he was married to, Robin Givens, they were at my bf’s senior prom. it was in the 80’s before he was crazy. I sat bhind The Donald, and Arnold (Terminator) at a fight in AC, shared an elevator with Denzel Washington, and had an actual conversation with Billy Idol on the street…And my moment of glory, met Lars Ulrich, drummer of Metallica, in a store and was the envy of all my friends.

    Now? I see the guy who coaches my son’s little league sometimes in the Wal Mart, how the mighty have fallen.

  83. I sat beside Matt Czuchary in AP Biology in High School (he plays Logan on Gilmore Girls). Really funny, very nice.

    My sister has met and accosted Leah Thompson, that John Lithgow, and Rachel Bilson (she was in small town TN for a wedding).

  84. Ok…I don’t even know who Kate Spade is?!

    However, I just recently wrote about my run in with Felicia Rashad in a ladies bathroon at the Dallas airport. It’s not a pretty story (a little ‘air-y’)but SO dang funny.

  85. I saw Mick Jagger at a club in Honolulu over Superbowl weekend one year. He was surrounded by body guards and sitting next to VERY young woman who WAS NOT his wife.

    I also saw one of the gay guys from Survivor several seasons back on an airplane in Dallas…too bad I can’t remember his name anymore.

    For as long as I lived in SoCal, I’m surprised I haven’t had more sightings…oh well, I can read all about their “real lives” in the smut magazines! =)

  86. I went to a “life celebration” once – read: funeral for someone who committed suicide – and George Clooney IN THE BLESSED FLESH was one of the featured singers.

    You should have seen it – all of us mourners were in a theatre at a local college, and we all went from weeping over this lost loved one to flipping through the program when he walked on stage, and oh so casually leaned against the piano and sang some song. I have no idea what he sang. I was too busy trying not to pass out.

  87. I know you’ll be terribly impressed with this. I was once Tiny Tim’s warm-up act at a night club. I sang “New York, New York” in my little tap shoes and black and white outfit. I was only nine. In other news, I went to college with Matthew West and I’ve met Watermark twice. That’s all I’ve got! Unfortunately, I don’t have a personal connection to Kate Spade. : )

  88. no Kate Spade info, but I imagine you are managing to get some behind the scenes info.

    I was pulled on stage at a Chris Issak concert (by his bass player) and danced with Chris Issak.

    We saw a lot of movies filmed in Georgetown (DC), so lots of celebrity sightings… and now that we are in Nashville, same thing, but no meetings or anything…

  89. Famous person? If anyone follows baseball and the Kansas City Royals, 1st baseman and designated hitter Mike Sweeney was a guest at our wedding. He’s a friend of ours from church.

    Oh, and famous Hollywood make-up artist Ben Nye is family. He was head make-up artist at 20th Century Fox for many years. He did the make-up for many famous films, including The Sound of Music.

  90. I flew to Crested Butte Colorado on the same plane as President Jimmy Carter and his wife Roslyn. He came around and shook everyones hand.
    I also ran into Matt Lauer walking down the street in New York and had my picture made with him. He was very nice.
    I met Sonny Bono when he came to our town to campaign for some senator. That was only a few months before he died.

  91. I’ll give my third cousing twice removed a call – she probably knows Kate.

    Doug Kershaw winked at me from around the toddler and diaper bag he had in his arms, outside Caesar’s Palace in Vegas, thirty-one years ago. Does that count?

  92. At first I thought Everyday Mommy said, BILL NYE, the Science Guy. I would’ve been excited to meet him!

  93. Boo,

    I AM Kate Spade. I read your blog all the time! You want a dozen free purses?


  94. Just kidding. You got me. I’m not really Kate Spade.

    I have met all the professional skateboarders including Tony Hawk, Shaun White, Bob Burnquist, Bucky Lasek and Danny Way. My kid bro is a skater and I got VIP passes to the last X Games. I KNOW! AWESOME! I also stood next to Pink and her hubby (BMX Biker).

    I LOVES me my Skater boys. Nicest guys in the world.


  95. Tom Izzo (my MSU’s basketball coach) walked past me twice last night at the University’s Hotel and Conference Center – and he smiled and said hi the second time.
    I’m pretty much famous by association now.
    Oh, and I have a Wheaties Box signed by Pete Sampras hanging on the wall in my kitchen. Does that count?

  96. Jenny Beth Walker says:

    I met Brad Pitt’s mom (a fine Christian woman) at a wedding. I have stood within an arm’s length of Michael W. Smith (at Kanakuk Kamps). And I have a picture of the outlaw on Gilmore Girls- Jesse I think. I actually rode on a plane with him from Dallas to LA. He’s in the background of my picture, i.e. doesn’t really know he’s in it but I do. All of these are close encounters but close counts, right?

  97. Well, my Kate Spade bag doesn’t have her home phone number in it…sorry.

    As for celebrities, let’s see…I flew to Hawaii on the same plane as Kenny Loggins in the ’80s (footloose song, remember it?), I sold Hunter Tylo 2 tubes of lipstick and 3 pair of socks in Anchorage, Alaska (and met her husband at the time – Steven Segall), I ate dinner at the table next to Bill Cosby and his wife, Camille in NYC, sailed on a catamaran with Kristie McNichol (does anyone even remember her?) in Hawaii…I know there’s more, but I can’t pull it out right now. Must. have. coffee…

  98. Delurking to say I love your blog! And to relive my celebrity encounters…

    – Several years ago, hubby and I saw Gary Busey at the Wenatchee, WA, airport. He was in town filming ‘Surviving the Game’ (B-movie about hunting humans…UGH!). He appeared quite blotto, and he and his girlfriend were arguing. I decided that was NOT the time to try to say hello.

    – Also several years ago, I had dinner at the Hog’s Breath Inn in Carmel, CA, and owner Clint Eastwood stopped by our table to say hello. Nice fella.

    – Three years ago, I was on a flight from Seattle to Yakima, WA, and sat next to the band members from Three Dog Night. They were in Yakima to play at a ‘celebration of sobriety’ at the local rehab center. I was coming home after a week in Monterey, CA, so I was loaded up with jalepeno and garlic stuffed olives, and I shared my stash with the band. They invited me to their performance that evening, but I’d not slept in more than 24 hours, so I passed. I regret it – I coulda been a 30-something groupie!

    – I literally ‘ran into’ Tom Clancy when I was working at a federal agency near D.C. about five years ago. I turned around and narrowly avoided a collision with him. I apologized, but all he did was grunt and mutter under his breath about my being a clutz or something. PLUS, he had a smelly cigar clamped in his teeth, was wearing sunglasses indoors, and had his usual naval ballcap on, so I did *not* have a favorable impression of him. Such a meanie!

    – Also while I working at the aforementioned federal agency, President G.W. Bush stopped by for a visit and to congratulate us on a job well done. Even though we all had security clearances and had to pass through security on our way into the building, they STILL ‘wanded’ us with the little metal detectors, and ran the sniffing-dogs through our offices to check for bad stuff. Anyhow, the President walked through the office, shook hands with each of us, and spoke to us for a moment or two. For the life of me, I can’t recall a word either of us said!

    Those are all my brushes with celebrity. Well, unless you count seeing our local weatherman picking his nose in the car next to me at a stoplight… Have a great week!


  99. Jenny Beth Walker says:

    Oh and Kate Spade and I were in the same sorority. Not at the same school or at the same time but same sorority. Perhaps my alumni magazine I just received in the mail will have some Kate contact information. I know you’ll be waiting with baited breath. Good luck!

  100. We were at Colonial Williamsburg a few years ago and we saw Richard Dreyfuss in a quilt store.

    We didn’t go up to him. We just stared real hard at him. We’re just cool like that!!